Grimmy's Forum Posts

  • Hi, I put our new teaser trailer on YouTube here:

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    Thank You so much


    Twitter: atruleoffun

  • I'm happy if just every child object just follows the exact parent objects opacity level. What is says on the tin. :)

  • Hi, is there any way to have scene graph children inherit the visibility and/or opacity of their parent? It seems its an important missing feature but maybe there is a reason for it?



  • SOLVED. The trick is not to use For Each at all and each dino works fine.

    I have no idea why and so now Im scratching my head as to the point of the For Each loop at all?

  • Thanks but that didn't work. I've tried every permutation of combining this with 'trigger once' both inside and outside the loop as well as breaking the loop into different parts but still doesnt work.

    It seems the two newer instances always keep setting their direction to "right". But why? Even when they are far off screen to the right.?!?!?

    Surely someone in the history of C3 has made a loop where a bunch of objects move left and right repeatedly?

  • In all cases it references itself (self). See the code image attached. Maybe there is something wrong here that I'm not seeing? Thanks

  • I have an object that moves right and then left. It all works fine, but then I instantiate 2 more of thos in the scene and my code runs the same code through a For Each loop.

    The first/initial object continues to move left/right without an issue but the two new instances get trapped in an endless loop not knowing to move left or right.

    Regardless of the actual code within the loop, why does the first instance work fine but additional instances do not? (They are each running the same code.)

    Surely the 'For Each' should have no preference?

    Maybe there are some common gotchas?



  • Thanks. In my case I have a popup message.

    To get around the issue I have an extra condition that asks that Time(since game started)>3 seconds /trigger once only

    This way the pop-up only occurs once a purchase is made and not everytime the game boots.

  • Hi, I know its an old topic, but I'm getting close to release and my device reads 60fps but I can see with my (bare?) eyes that its not 60fps. It looks like about 30 fps to me.

    Now here Im not talking about the janking bug which I've reported previously (which is an intermittent stutter reported to Google here :

    and the disccusion is here:

    ..but instead its basically consistently NOT running at 60fps.

    Is the fps reading just plain wrong?

    (I have min framerate set at 5fps at the start. )

    ALso, Im actually testing on a fairly powerful device (Huwai Mate Pro 10).

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  • Thanks, I understand your answer but that is not really what I asked.

    I am specifically talking about a problem with the 'On Purchased Success' trigger.

  • My 'On Purchase Success' is triggering every time I run my app (if I have already bought the product).

    Surely it should only trigger when I make a purchase successfully (one time) and NOT as a check to the store to see if I own the product everytime it is called.

    Is this a bug? Will I need to hard code a workaround?

    EDIT: I saw the same bug in a very old forum post. Maybe it was never fixed?



  • I am using the Mobile IAP Restore Purchases command on Android but how do I know when this has been done successfully/or not?

    I tried 'On Product #### purchase success' and 'On Product #### owned' but they dont seem to work. These only seem to work when I make the initial purchase.

    Do I even need a restore purchases button theses days?


  • The first Mr Bomb was made using Unity over 5 years ago. It was and still is quite successful. It has over 2500 reviews on the app store with an average of 4.7 star rating and over 50k installs.

    Mr Bomb is a fun kids countdown timer. You can learn more about exactly what it does on the site.

    I decided to make the sequel using Construct 3 and we're almost ready for launch.

    Check out the the Rule of Fun website and Mr Bomb 2 news blog here:

    Please let me know any feedback you have. Thanks

  • Oh no, I hope not. I just realised the Dialogue on open/on close don't do anything. Maybe the whole plugin is now gradually crumbling as C3 gets more and more updates :(

  • Hi, I'm trying to make a quick 'screen shotter' (yes, that is a thing?) for all my Playstore/Appstore screenshots but I need all my shots to be a consistent size (1708x960).

    I am using the System command Set canvas Size 1708x960 just before I do the actual screenshot, but the canvas does not get resized and I just end up with a screenshot at whatever resolution my window was manually scaled at.

    Have I understood Set Canvas Size wrong? Should Set Canvas Size scale the browser window or is there some other way to do that?



    EDIT: I realise that setting my projects 'Fullscreen Mode' to OFF results in perfectly sized screenshots but I cant seem to set this at runtime (just for the fraction of a second I want to take a screenshot for.) Is there a way to do this?