Grimmy's Forum Posts

  • Lets say its for a windows desktop widget of some sort.

    Is this possible in C3 yet?

  • ..So a construct shell sending messages back and forth to an embedded Playcanvas engine is not so wild?

    I can export the whole project as a standalone etc?

  • Lets say my app is running and I want the user to be able to import their own sprite sheet at runtime. Would this be possible? I guess I would use AJAX to get the sprite sheet but then would it be theoretically possible to cut it up and assign individual frames/ animation names at runtime?


  • Hi, the Integrated 3D Example really impressed me but I have some questions..

    • -If I were to export this example as a standalone would it still run? Does the engine therefore need to be embedded in the project as a project file?
    • -Theoretically; could a Playcanvas (or other webGL engine) version be implemented like this too? Presumably as long as the engine source is all in a single js file.
    • -What are the advantages of using a canvas as in the example over an iFrame?

    I know Playcanvas well and so I'd love to be able to create a construct to Playcanvas bridge of some sort. I just thought I put some feelers out first to see if there are any obvious pitfalls to doing something like this.



  • Bumping this because I really want to know...

    In animate can I export a good quality video with interactions?

    Info about construct animate seems hard to come by.

  • Hi, not so much the example itself but when I use it to export video (with no changes to the example project) the exported video never plays past around a second even though I record around 10 seconds or so of screen time. Both canvas and screen recording options seem to have this issue and once using screen record the exported video had a lot of graphical corruption.

    Also, I notice that if I want and decent fidelity I need to crank the quality up to more than 16000 kbps which results in huge video sizes.

    Is the video recorder object just broken or am I doing something wrong?


  • Hi. I am paid C3 subscriber but I want to export to video. It seems that really this is the only feature that sets Construct Animator apart from regular C3. Do I really need a new subscription to construct Animator just for this feature?

    Isn't the video recorder plugin for c3 a capable video recorder of doing exactly this and more(interactions during record)?. Does the Animate version have any advantages?


  • Hi. I am paid C3 subscriber but I want to export to video. It seems that really this is the only feature that sets Construct Animator apart from regular C3. Do I really need a new subscription to construct Animator just for this feature? Thanks

  • Hi, everything works fine in editor but once my project is uploaded (specifically in this case to i get the error:

    sw.js:8 [SW] Error fetching '' (403 )

    Also, I notice that none of the file opening (export or import ) functionality works on There are no errors for this after the initial sw.js:8 error.

    You can try the project here at

    Just create a palette with a couple of clicks then hit export gpl and you will see that this functionality does not work.

    The SAME version hosted at does not seem to have this problem and the file viewer works as expected.

    Anyone know what might be causing this or how to fix it?


    EDIT: The sw.js error seems to be specifically an access error:



    <Message>Access denied.</Message>

    <Details>Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.get access to the Google Cloud Storage object. Permission 'storage.objects.get' denied on resource (or it may not exist).</Details>


    EDIT 2: It seems the problem is something to do with absolute/relative paths. See here:

    However, I think this might be a bug in construct 3 itself rather than my project.

    sw.js:8 [SW] Error fetching '' (403 ) romFileList @ sw.js:8 await in CreateCacheFromFileList (async) UpdateCheck @ sw.js:11 await in UpdateCheck (async) (anonymous) @ sw.js:12

  • At my project works fine

    but at

    I get the error (and thus total project malfunction):

    Popups, event 27: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading '_PostToDOMMaybeSync')

    Line 27 is when I do a document.getElementById. At the point this is done I know the html exists(with the id) becasue I already did an Ajax request for the project file. So why the error on the url with www and not on the url without the www?


  • I tried assigning variable of tab_chr="\t" and then doing

    replace(string_in,tab_chr," ")

    But that didnt work.

    Any ideas?


  • Thanks guys. Yeah, i realised I could just use a single array as soon as I posted. I guess I got my head so tied into doing multiple arrays that I forgot I could pop and push easily with a 1d array. Thanks

  • In the end I just used two - one dimensional arrays.

    I transferred only elements to the 2nd 'temporary array' that had values greater than 0, cleared the initial array and then transferred them back.

    I was original using the 2d array layout to dictate the visual (like a chess board) but because I switched to a 1d array instead I had to control the layout using instance ids of each array element.

    To conclude; This experience made me scared to use anything other than a 1d array in future as there seems to be very little control to pop/push over individual elements in 2d or 3d arrays .(only complete axis)

  • Yes that's exactly what I mean. Apologies for the confusion.

    Overnight I had the idea that a good approach to this might be to create a temporary 16 by 16 array and then for each element in the original array; copy values across IF they are not null/zero. The new array would then be arranged as in the above example. ie no gaps in the middle.

    Testing now...

    UPDATE. Not possible because it seems there is no simple way to just push something to the end of a 2d array. ?!?

    It looks like another approach maybe to convert everything down to a 1d array, do the edits and then turn it back into a 2d array.

    Another idea is to have 16 1 dimensional arrays of 16 elements each...

    ...although I suspect this is waaay overcomplicated for what it needs to be.

    Accepting all ideas here :)

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  • I have a 2d array of data. A grid x and y which is 16 by 16. Each element contains some data ( a string).

    I want to remove a single value from the grid and everything after if shift up so there are no spaces. Imagine removing an entry from a list of items, you want everything to shift up and not display empty spaces.

    Because this is a 2d grid I would want everything on the same row to the right to shift left and the same for all rows below it with values moving up a row to fill spaces at the right hand side of each row.

    I have been trying to figure this out for hours with my 2d grid array but cant seem to do it. Is there no command for the array which splices them like this automatically?

    The delete seems to delete an entire axis which is not what I want. Just a single element needs to be removed.

    Note: I want the array size to stay the same (16 by 16) all the time. but ones with null/zero values be put at the end.
