Integrated 3D Example Questions

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  • Hi, the Integrated 3D Example really impressed me but I have some questions..

    • -If I were to export this example as a standalone would it still run? Does the engine therefore need to be embedded in the project as a project file?
    • -Theoretically; could a Playcanvas (or other webGL engine) version be implemented like this too? Presumably as long as the engine source is all in a single js file.
    • -What are the advantages of using a canvas as in the example over an iFrame?

    I know Playcanvas well and so I'd love to be able to create a construct to Playcanvas bridge of some sort. I just thought I put some feelers out first to see if there are any obvious pitfalls to doing something like this.



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  • ..So a construct shell sending messages back and forth to an embedded Playcanvas engine is not so wild?

    I can export the whole project as a standalone etc?

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