Global or overridden??

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From the Asset Store
Globals 2.0
$3.99 USD
Globals 2.0 stores and group variables. You can also load and save data (variables) from/to JSON files.
  • And what the heck is this all about...(See image)

    Im starting to think that all the bugs that Im currently trying to fixed are caused by this sudden automatic renaming of Layers.

    Agreed. I came to the forums to look up the new naming conventions because they're confusing and non-intuitive (especially all the punctuation characters appended to layer names). "Overridden" sounds a like a change was made to the layer that somehow makes it different than the source global layer. Isn't the point of a global layer is that it's ubiquitous? It shouldn't matter where you edit it in a project -- if you edit the layer in one layout, shouldn't the edits propagate throughout all layouts where the layer appears?

    Many common UI design apps (Figma, Sketch, etc) use this "override" naming convention to indicate the properties of a placed component have been modified from the original source component.

    I agree that continuing to use "global" or using an icon is better behavior than the current implementation.

  • After spending the last couple of hours trying to figure out why I can't navigate to a new layout (Construct seems to be bouncing back to the currently displayed layout), I'm wondering if the odd layout naming and/or internal layout list is the culprit:

  • After a few reloads (and who knows what else), all the question marks have disappeared from my layer dropdown (as shown in your screenshot). I am using the latest Beta now though, so maybe that had something to do with it.

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  • To get back to the first discussion, as Grimmy was saying, is there any chance of an icon, colour, or shorter way of indicating global/overridden layers?

    The word "overridden" is longer than most of my layer names, and makes the layer list unnecessarily tough to read at a glance.

    The problem is particularly pronounced when working/traveling on a smaller laptop screen.

  • In the next beta cycle, a globe icon similar to this 🌍︎ will be used to denote global layers and overridden ones, instead of text.

    There will also be a new context menu option added in the Layers Bar to open the layout which holds an original global layer by right clicking on an overridden one.

  • good solution and that context menu option would be very useful!

  • DiegoM Cool! Thanks for the sneak preview!

  • Awesome! Let's make it clear it was MY IDEA.

    MY IDEA I say again.


  • Hey DiegoM, thanks again for implementing Grimmy's idea :) it's a huge help so far!

    At first glance, the image style of the globe kinda stands out from the C3 style, especially in dark themes.

    Maybe it could be adjusted to fit the rest someday? There are some icons that might work in one colour, like these for example:

    (those aren't my designs; I found them on noun project)

    Food for thought anyway. Thanks again!

  • We don't have a method to include the regular icons C3 uses everywhere else in dropdown lists, we can only use text in each item. So in the case of dropdowns I decided to use an emogi, which is the next best thing.

    This is the real emogi 🌍 being used, notice the colour. I found that you can force the rendering of the monochrome variant, which is this one 🌍︎. (You might not be seeing any difference depending on how you are viewing this post)

    The problem with that is that is that it doesn't seem to work in OSX, I imagine it's the same in iOS.

    Windows shows the monochrome variant, so it's something.

    I'll have to try generating the emogi in a different way, maybe OSX and iOS only show it in a very specific way.

  • Ah ok, that explains it - I'm on a macbook. Thanks for the reply! Hope it works out!

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