Global or overridden??

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From the Asset Store
Globals 2.0
$3.99 USD
Globals 2.0 stores and group variables. You can also load and save data (variables) from/to JSON files.
  • In previous versions of c3 I had a bunch of Global layers. In the latest version these layers all now say 'overriden' next to them. What exactly does that mean? Shouldn't it say 'global'. I'm a bit confused.

  • it means that this layer is overwritten by a global layer from another layout.

  • A layer that is not global, but it is taking it's content from a global layer, by having the same name, is marked as Overriden, because it's own content is being replaced by that of the global layer.

    Before, this detail could only be seen in the Properties Bar next to the Global property of a layer.

    Now the information is more visible, because it is also shown in the Layers Bar. It's only a cosmetic change, to make the information a little bit more clear.

    Do mind that in the current beta there is bug where if you try to rename a layer which is global (or overriden), the part which is in parenthesis can become part of the real name of the layer. That has already been fixed.

  • It's a great feature! I know i've been a stickler for words lately, but I think the word "Global" next to the layer name instead of "Overridden" would be more helpful and more clear (and shorter).

  • the layer is not really global, it is only overwritten by a layer that is global.

    Currently the global layer has (Global) next to it, every other layer with the same name on another layout gets the (Overriden) text.

    You cannot make changes to overriden layers, you would need to go to the layout where the original global layer is found.

    So the current naming convention makes the most sense imo.

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  • It's technically true, but wouldn't it be clearer/more practical to tell users that it's a global layer being shown?

    I get that Overridden is more precise, but then the question is overridden how/by what? (the global layer). And I think it'd be easier for new users to think of layers as either global or local.

  • brushfe

    I understand what you are getting at, it's a detail which is not really important for the end user.

    In hindsight, the distinction should have been left as an internal detail, and just call all the layers involved global as far as the UI is concerned.

    But since the information was already exposed to begin with (this is a pretty old feature at this point), in the Properties Bar, I decided it was better to be consistent.

  • To me the distinction is important as you cannot make changes to overriden layers, so it's an important information to see at a glance!

    edit: Nevermind what I said, apparently you can make changes, it's just a bit buggy rn.

  • Right, I see that; it can go either way - and probably cause confusion no matter which way you go (as the OP pointed out). Global does seem to fit because its the setting the user engages with in the UI (Global -> Yes), but as fedca pointed out, if you don't equate "global" with "overridden", it's nice to see that.

    I do agree with your point about the internal distinction; that seems ideal. But hey, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, and the second best time is right now! :)

  • So reallizing that they are supposed to behave the same in editor (which they sadly don't fully do yet). I agree that this distinction is more confusing then helpful.

  • So reallizing that they are supposed to behave the same in editor (which they sadly don't fully do yet). I agree that this distinction is more confusing then helpful.

    What do you mean by "don't fully do yet"?

  • I'm a bit scared to get into it because there is a global layer interaction with sub-layers that I and other community members really like and use. (one that makes the layout with the global layer be different in editor than the overrriden ones but the same at runtime)

    So I don't want it to be "fixed".

  • I have more confusion with this. When I reference a layer for example "Create particles on layer...".

    What do I name the layer now if the layer is called My_Layer but is overridden? My_Layer(overidden)?!?

    In my project it seems the latest versions of C3 have replaced all my calls to layer name to something like "My_Layer([overidden])". So am I supposed to do this in future too?

    Personally I think the indicator of whether a layer is global or not should just always be a little globe icon in the editor. In that way nobody gets confused between global/overridden and it doesn't affect the naming in anyway.

    Or even simpler, just change the text colour of global layers in the layers window. Globals=green, Normal Layers=grey

  • And what the heck is this all about...(See image)

    Im starting to think that all the bugs that Im currently trying to fixed are caused by this sudden automatic renaming of Layers.

  • Personally I think the indicator of whether a layer is global or not should just always be a little globe icon in the editor. In that way nobody gets confused between global/overridden and it doesn't affect the naming in anyway.

    Or even simpler, just change the text colour of global layers in the layers window. Globals=green, Normal Layers=grey

    I really like the little icon idea! It would leave a lot more room for layer names in the menu, and is very a clear answer to the debate above. Colours can get tricky with visual impairment, so I'd certainly vote for that!

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