Ashley If I can ask a clarifying question - how important is popularity is to the feature requests? (You mention it at the end there.)
As an amateur user, I notice that most of the most popular requests are more advanced features, or for more advanced users. Which makes total sense, since they're using the program a lot more, have more ideas, use git more often, etc.
Currently, it seems like popularity is a factor in the decision to implement. But it means - for me, maybe other amateur level users - that I don't bother making suggestions anymore, because they seem unlikely to get votes. (Updates to the typewriter text, for example.)
I agree with the previous commenter that with each reset, an increasingly smaller amount of users are going to repost an increasingly smaller amount of ideas from this year. More casual users are less likely to invest time in reposting. Together this concentrates the votes over time on advanced level ideas. So it'd be helpful to understand how much popularity is a factor - or maybe it's better for me to share ideas on this forum?