DUTOIT's Forum Posts

    Yeah, I Get It! It's Illegal But In The End Scirra Is Not Suffering Any Loss And For Few Bucks, The Formalities And Paperwork Is Not Worth It! But Happy Ending As Scirra Is Also Happy And Developer Is Happy Too! He Should'nt Have Done That! :/

    Few bucks, when (yip he will one day) he gets caught it is payday for scirra (adobe, other software he is using), What's the going rate for pirated software? $200,000 or is it more?

    And if not able to pay its straight to jail and usually both.

    Sure there is paperwork, but piracy kills business. Drains profits and derails good products like C2.

    Edit: Don't kid yourself because he cheated the system once, twice, hundred times. It will catch up, and when it does - Lots of tears.

    If he makes money and put himself on radar, he is going to get caught.

    $2000 is small change, but also not a living, so he will always try to make more, and one day - Bullseye

  • The post you mentioned guys

    Had to look for more than 6 months back.

    We don't delete posts for nothing, we mostly deal with spam.

    6 months, wow, time flies when you having fun

    Thanks for clearing that up.

    Edit: that's not the one I signed up on - lol. So there are more out there

    Want to put that treasure rep thing in one of them

  • I searched it and it did not come up - my bad

    but for all those who have not heard of it ... here you are..


    Out of respect. You gave your link already, and so did I <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> - lol

    Don't overdo it, some might take it the wrong way.

    Sidenote: There were loads of copy threads. But I suspect they got deleted as they are a little spammy and each person trying to get someone to click his link.

    I also had my link in my sig for a little bit, but a whole bunch of folks signed up, but didn't verify their details or install the software (yip you need to install software) makes 0 activations. Which isn't worth it being in my sig as it benefited no one <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Thought: Maybe scirra rather open their own copy account and we all join with their link to help with storage for capx files in tuts and forum?

  • I'm not helping as much as I expect others aren't either because so many new folks joining and all of them not bothering to do the example games or even read the manual. They all want a capx of what they want to do, and aren't interested in

    1)Reading the manual

    2)Searching a tutoral

    3)Just going through the awesome examples that ships out with c2

    Seriously, hit new in construct2 and see the HUGE amount of templates, games, demos. Its all there.

    Point being, feeling a little tired

    Also, I'm sure the veterans are hard at work with awesome games...

  • NVIDIA GeForce release updates all the time. (at least once a month) So agree with jobel if the pc is new, the graphics card might be out of date. It might also help to uninstall construct2 (remove it completely) and re-install it again.

    I had similar issue where it installed 100% fine, but when I looked at the installer exe it was missing a few bytes from what it should have been. So re downloaded and re installed and it worked 2nd time round.

  • You are going to need some sort of database mysql and ajax and php. There is a couple tutorials in the tutorial section with regards to making registration, login and c2. 1 or 2 tuts on the subject. And one on multiplayer (I know not related) but great and showing you how to pass data to your database and back.

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  • The first thing I did was to contact the creator of Capx and as they did not answer me create this post, but now answer me and is close to solved.

    This post was to pay for do the job, i thought this forum was to ask for work, sorry

    You are right - you posted in correct place. My mistake. I am not used to the new forum breadcrumbs. Yes this is the job board. And not a double post. Sorry.

  • This example is useless, I need someone to do it from scratch. It cost me more money I guess: S

    It cost you zero money as you didn't make it. It cost Guizmus billable time helping you. And it's not useless, it just needs tweaking, which Guizmus asked you to do here, and he asked you to provide proof that you actually trying to solve your own problem. Which you aren't. And didn't provide anything showing your attempts to fix it.

    It is easy to fix, but I suggest you post in the job board. That way you will get exactly what you want. Or maybe you can write some more translations for the guy who helped you with the spider movement.

    Oh, this is double post, you have another topic open on the same thing.

  • This is fantastic.

    I get the feel that it should be a choose your own adventure.

    Player can buy upgrades, do mining missions as you say.

    He can also be a space pirate and loot other vessels, or join the federation and take down the space pirates.

    I don't know, weave a story, through in 1 major quest, and 3 to 5 mini quests. Give the user some chooses and make sure there is something dramatic happening/about to happen that must be stopped or avoided. Maybe solar system going to explode and he hasn't got enough resources on his broken ship to evacuate and spin a story around getting his ship space travel worthy to escape the doom.

    But, it is gorgeous demo. Fantastic job.

  • ,

    So now it is 1 check if you require it - using instance variable "Type", but you can add more instance variables to check.

    You can use foreach vechiles

    And put conditions in based on instant variables.

    So many options, and no real right way to do someting lol.

    Oh, I'm not using families at all here. But you can use them to if you want.

  • Where you storing the horsepower?

    My thoughts, is use instance variables.

    Will try to do demo...

    Here you go, its not the best way, but I just made a whole keyboard input system yesterday doing this way and worked FANTASTICLY well. Upercase, lowercase etc (for mobile devices so we can drop the TextBox all together

  • The 10000 events per loop is not really a C2 issue. If you code in any language you pretty much always have to make a game loop, and if you code the game such that each and every single iteration of your game loop calculates every single thing possible every time, then you will run into this same problem. You should only include necessary events on every frame, then stagger the rest of the events with a random based on how often they need to run. For example if they need to run a minimum of once per second, you can put a condition of Every X milliseconds, where X is 700+random(200). The things that you really need every loop iteration are control checks, possibly movement if you want it to be as smooth as possible, etc. But most things can be staggered.

    Couldn't agree more

  • (I'm thinking about some online games and services where you only own a limited right to play/use it according to what the devs/publisher allows)

    Lol, snap. I am busy with a licensing system. Using easy digital downloads and the license plugin, rewriting it a little, but it works so far pretty well. (this is a side, side project and is taking longer than I had hoped - lol)

  • DUTOIT: I feel the original question is legitimate, and it's OK to ask it in the forums, as it may help other people wondering the same thing in the end.

    No need to be so aggressive neither assertive.

    [quote:2p3xird1]But surely if i own the license i am free to do with it as i please?

    Wow that sucks beyond belief..

    mist: As notified, it is part of the text of the license itself that it's only usable by the person whose name it was licensed to.

    That's indicated in the license itself and also in how Construct2 license work.

    It does actually work indeed like most digital licenses nowadays, and maybe you should take a better look at licenses before purchasing them to prevent "surprises" like that with other products you believe you "own" and actually don't. (I'm thinking about some online games and services where you only own a limited right to play/use it according to what the devs/publisher allows)

    Okay Kyatric,

    Sorry if I came across as aggressive, but I stand by this is not meant for public forum, but you say it is then I will give my expertise on the matter when I felt it best to rather get him to approach Ashley and Tom privately. Because he asked to sell, fair enough, but he also asked if scrirra would buy it back from him ( which means he is asking for a refund)

    Mist just wants his money back, either way. So that is why I thought it should be discussed privately via email.

    But okay. Public discussion...


    You can get a full refund, legally scirra has to give it too you.

    Even scrira acknowledges this in their terms of service...which is UK law, but because they sell on an international level (they sell to various countries outside of UK, they also have to honor those countries laws.

    For example many countries have a mandatory cooling off period. Of course depending on your country depends on the length of that period. And depending on the country depends on the laws set in place.

    You purchased recently too, under 30 days, so pretty much the laws favor the customer, they protect their rights.

    Also, If you purchased via paypal scirra have to oblige paypals T&C's too.

    If you purchased via credit card then you are entitled for a period of time to ask for a refund. The list is long in what you can get refunded on, and reasons can be just about anything.

    If you purchased via steam, they will give you the run around with their no refund policy. Truth is a legal letter drafted explaining the countries laws will most times secure a refund, because as I said, if you doing business on international scale, you have to abide by those countries laws.

    Again, I'm sorry I came across as harsh or aggressive.

    It was not my intention. I was just trying to distance myself from this discussion and getting parties concerned to communicate.

    Oh, and as a sidenote: Lots of folks, just do a Chargeback, this is unfair to the seller, and should be used only as a last resort when seller isn't listening to reason. Chargebacks are not cool, and customers abuse this to no end.