DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • But surely if i own the license i am free to do with it as i please?

    Wow that sucks beyond belief..

    Wasn't going to sell it for profit, just the same price i paid to get my money back as i no longer need a C2 license..

    You can't resell digital products. Especially if it is licensed to the end user.

    You should have emailed them. This is not a topic for public forum. What did you think there response was going to be?

  • Yeah.Beginners questions are easy to answer.

    Make me a .capx of ____???? _____ Some crazy big game

  • Because PC has how many gigs ram and cpu is how much.

    Now your phone has how many mb ram and cpu is how much?

    Welcome to cross platform/device gaming and the constant headache that comes with it

    Sidenote: nice little game, great detail, looks great.

  • You can make the layout (world as big as you want with no drop in performance) what will make it drop in performance is what you put into that world. Make sense.

    I suggest you run some tests.

    Like this you should see no drop in performance.

  • Layout:

    Layouts contain a stack of layers. Objects that appear on the screen do not belong directly to a layout - they always sit on one of the layers in the layout.

    A layout for me at least is a container that holds all the layers.

    Important. Layout has event sheets.


    Layers are like a piece of glass that user can see through.

    HUD (top layer - health bar, UI info etc.)

    Foreground (main game objects)

    Middleground (a parallaxing background layer)

    Background (bottom layer - the background)

    A menu on a layout is something that a user clicks and leaves current layout and goes to menu screen, option screen, save, load screen, help screen etc.

    Layouts are also nice for different levels etc...

    To answer your question:

    Have a button that when user clicks takes him to another layout (found in system) called goto layout.

    That makes user leave current layout and go to menu.

    That is the reason for on start of layout this loads all the user info back. I put seperate event sheet that handles this, and include it into the on 'start of layout'

    So if your menu is seperate layout you can't have it show up on another layout.

    Well, you can have a snapshot of your layout using the snapshot canvas (I don't know how to do this), I don't know if that is how it works. I am guessing here.

    So layouts can't be shared.


    Layout1 with 150 layers. THose 150 layers can be activated / deactived. Made visible etc. Which is why I went that route.

  • I edited as you posted.

    ok. just remember a layout is a layer, it is just seperated and can't be combined. You have unlimeted layers (layouts in there on sense of the word.)

    But agree, you need to wrap your head around what is best. Changing these sort of things down the line isn't recommended.

  • Oh, I see where the confusion is.

    You have one layout. That layout has multiple layers. Layers 3 to 9 can be for levels 1 to 6. and Layer 10, 11, 12 can be menus and layer 13 can be GUI.

    As user completes level1 layer 3 is hidden and group for layer 3 is deactivated.

    Layer 4 group is activated and layer 4 is made visible.

    or if you using tons of layouts, then you will have to clone those menus for all layouts. I haven't tried it, but isn't there something like snapshot or something - maybe that could be solution to snapshot layouts.

    I prefer 1 layout with multiple layers, but that isn't the right/wrong way. It is just what I found best for me.

    In the layer groups I include the layers event sheet so when I activate deactive the event sheet gets turned off.

    So layout 1 gets own event sheet which is master event sheet which is mostly groups. Layers groups in master sheet get includes to there event sheets. Master turns on/off layers etc

  • DUTOIT see how this looks. I know it's pretty low res, but I'm sure it's satisfactory. Odds are I'll edit some of the letters later.


    Edit: the menu's not the title screen. Pull them from the side.

    Looks good. I remember about pulling them from side

    I see what you mean about spacing. And possibly later on make it a little more rounded, less jaggered, slightly more high res and use spritefont scale. But you can make things look pretty later. My shortfall is trying to make it perfect, then I change it a zillion times. Lol

  • Wow. For a school project this isn't bad. At school I was trying to make little games with gwbasic - and failed miserably.

  • *DUTOIT posts an image with a fancy font and claims that this cannot be done with the text object*


    Make me a font made out of glass with Webfonts or custom designed font or text object.

    In fact do this please...

    We are not talking about fonts we are talking about design. We talking about performance of text object / TextBox.

    Sure you can use webfont / css styling in text object... agreed.

    But text object, Textbox has a few issues with construct 2 games. Spritefont however seems to run better and you can do more with it.

    Your webfont, css styling cant do this. font is simple Tahoma, but it is made out of glass.

  • Insert Browser object.

    add action


    execute java and paste "window.print();"

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Naw, it's still ugly as hell, no softness/feathered borders to the letters. I just made a new font, but I'll have to work more on it. The p's and q's and g's going under the line make the text look goofy.

    Lol, yip the default is real ugly.

    I linked to a tut in photoshop above - it is pretty easy.

    There are such sexy free commercially usable fonts nowadays.

  • I've been trying to find a sprite font that is similar to the original, but not so far spaced. Anyone find a good one yet, or is it yet another thing I'll have to do for graphics? lol

    You like the default? lol

    In spritefont properties adjust the character spacing to -5 or whatever you feel is the right spacing.

  • I just want to ask, if i use the new beta multiplayer system to creat a multiplay game then export to cocoonjs , is it run fine on mobile ??

    I needs a browser to work. Chrome or Firefox. So will be for html5. This is my understanding and my understanding is very limited. WebRTC DataChannels is new, and I don't know much about it. It is peer-to-peer using browser networking technology.

    So I doubt it. Maybe if you go through a central server, but I don't know if that is possible. Most certainly won't be for awhile.

    MY understanding of this is limited, and in no way written in stone.

  • 2 options:



    Have a look in manual

    edit: use floor with random for whole numbers floor(random(10)) is random 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

    See Joskin below posted too, with better explanation