CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • I like it man, quite tricky - nice softness on the shadows and flickering.

  • The animation is super interesting, how I wonder will you be able to have such high resolution textures without causing slowdown?

  • Man I've been grappling with the grapple issue for ages, so hard to make a good one which has momentum. You could make a 'doodle jump' ish sort of game where you have to gain as much height as possible maybe set to sky scrapers so you can have moving platforms to grap and if you get past the sky scrapers you can maybe grapple on to birds or planes lol stupid idea.

  • Yeah very cool, good art - though I did think that the music was a bit off, it was weirdly super happy and a little cliche, like the sort of music you'd hear on a hidden object game - I'm not knocking the music itself, the music is well orchestrated, I'm just not sure it works in the game. Though I only played about 20 mins of it, it might change. The audio featured here

    in your early gameplay video of the game is much, much better, in my opinion...sorry I don't mean to knock the game, if the music is the only negative thing I have to say about it that means it's one damn-well-developed title.

  • > Saving needs to be sorted out, when using system save to file and load file to save and load game states, on load copies of objects such as lights end up in completely different positions to where they should be.


    It also freezes the platform movement in my game (not reproduced in a clean .cap though). It's the first time now when I've come to the point in a game where i need to be able to save, but to encourage people to finnish games without too much trouble this feature should work flawlessly.

    Agreed but I don't know if I just am too inexperienced to know about saving in Construct, I can't find any tutorials about how to properly set up your game for saving, I would love a tutorial where you had 3 save slots at the start which loaded states saved from a complex environment. It works well when build it with a few basic sprites but when I try to apply the same method to my project it messes everything up.

  • Dun

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I dunno, it looks appealing to me. You've got some nice depth going on with the different scrolling layers. I can't wait to see the final result


    Sweet game


    Looking great!

    Nice one!

    I'll have a gameplay vid up next week am just working on the sound design for this level at the moment.

  • Got another video of Agilis here with much improved graphics - this vid shows the style and mood I'm going for in the game. Let me know what you think! (Still looks like crap but imagine if a decent artist made the graphics

  • Saving needs to be sorted out, when using system save to file and load file to save and load game states, on load copies of objects such as lights end up in completely different positions to where they should be.

  • That is cool man, is Sculptris good for making static 3d objects for games then?

  • I think if we had to choose between App Store and Android I'd say Construct would rule on Android, simply because there's less competition on Android and 90% of the games are super bad, as opposed to the iphone which has quite a high amount of good games, so I think if you bring out a decent game on Android especially one that looks nice then you're gonna have a bigger voice than you would releasing the same game on the iPhone.

  • Fine then don't help out , keep ignoring me.I will figure it out or use xna studio to create a simple tetris game. Help and support lol more like no help ignoring support.Why do i always have to go agro first if i need help on these forums??.

    Calm down mate, at least wait a couple of days before blowing your lid off.

  • That's a fantastic reference manual Chrisbrobs

  • Guess it depends on how you're saving it. Is there a possibility that its taking more than a tick to save everything?

    I have no idea, how could I tell?

  • Strange thing going on, set up a save room, so when player collides with an object the system saves to file. When I then close and go to the menu and press load, I'm in the correct location but the bones of my character have messed up they're not in the correct positions and it looks crazy. Has anyone run in to this problem before?

