I don't know if this is too much to ask, but making "find and replace" usable? I quite often run in to events and think "In what way and where did i use global('pause')" and then i look at the find and replace-button with sad puppy eyes before i start plowing through the endless mass of events.
Now that is an excellent example where I want to step up onto the soap box and rally to the DRY cause - Don't Repeat Yourself. There is also DIE (Duplication Is Evil).
There is a lot of duplicated code in event sheet and stuff, mostly because event groups are a bit bulky to work with and function object (functions, aliases) is dodgy as well as unreliable (considering that it actually executes after the tick or something, when I need conditions or actions to be checked the very tick).
It would be a boon if Construct strived toward DRY code with improved code abstraction