CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • I seem to have an issue with the image editor, I can create a sprite object, resize it to say 40x40, draw my image, save it and then the sprite object looks messed up and distorted.

    I've 2 screenshots of what I mean:

    Anyone had any new problems with this update? Considering marking it stable and sending it out via auto-update.

  • Wow, what a thread.

    I think it's great to collaborate with people and if you were able to get a small team together then that would be awesome - I've been trying myself for a while, it's hard work to find people (especially coders). However I am with the opinion that 3 months is such a small space of time to study Construct or even game development in general. I've been learning this stuff for about 2 years now and I still have no fkin idea what I'm doing lol.

    I would be careful about trying to enrol people into your project, because you may have no idea what stumbling blocks you will reach 6 months to a year down the line in development and I think it's best to be prepared for it. I've run into so many problems and I'm really thankful that the people I have worked with are as patient as they are lol. I'm also super thankful for the people in this forum, for they are awesome and very helpful - this thread for example has suggestions and advice to solve one of your big problems.

    Of course it's impossible to have the foresight to predict these problems but I think what I'm getting at is that, if you've only used the app for 3 months, before trying to finish this game - I'd try just making a few very tiny games and experiments by yourself, with each little game taking advantage of one element of the game you want to make, perhaps. This way you'll really learn about the process involved with development and you will have gained a lot more experience and be better prepared to know what you need to do or learn in order to complete your main project and from that you'd be bang on to people saying, 'I need this and this, can you do this - I just need a bit of help with this...blahblahblah'

    Am I being a twat? Am I not helping anything at all? Shall I shut up now? Yes

  • That is pretty much how it's done.

    When I read your post, I thought, or rather imagined this:

    <img src="">

    Also, grats

  • Hello everyone,

    Just a note to say that the game I worked on, Revenge of the Titans is now on sale in the Humble Indie Bundle 2.

    I did the sound design for speech, weapon fire, bashing and crashing and other incidental audio.

  • Hey man, I've toyed with this a bit myself - got a video of my efforts here:

    I have a .cap of this here also:

    I'm no expert, it's all very sticky tape and cardboard.

  • Super cool...souper cool...cough, sorry - really good visuals am impressed with what you can do with Unity.

  • That's a real neat 3D water surface effect you got going on there. Can't work out how you did it.

  • Always: set angle of sprite to mousex

    set angle of sprite to mousey

  • CrudeMik did you get inspired by Defcon ?

    Not really. I wanted it to look like a map/radar. I think theres more captain forever in there than anything.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • At $9.99 I'd expect the game to be good, but then it's no longer an impulse buy. I probably wouldn't spend $9.99 on it, I just barely got Shank for around that price and that's only because it's a high-profile release. I think $6.99 sounds good, still has that quality product price-tag but makes it more of an 'ahhh go on then'.


    with some more love, this could be an awesome game.

    Thanks - yeah I don't know what I'm going to do with it really my lack of information about being able to save the game state or profiles/have users/save user information is stopping me from finishing a lot of games.

    Wow CrudeMik, Agilis looks very nice! I realy love the Atmosphere (I like huge dark City's in VideoGames).

    Keep up the great work!

    Mr. Snooley

    Thanks man.

  • I'd quite dig a key-chain in the shape of the Construct logo.

  • >


    dude. you totally just blew my mind. looks amazing for a simple ai test.

    i've long wanted to make a game with combat surprisingly much like that. kind of the flotilla wibe but real time and with more of a story. spacerpg so to speak.

    could i possibly talk you into letting me poke around the cap for that, if you have it? reckon i could learn a great deal from that.


    ps. hello all. long time lurker, first time poster.

    Yeah sure thing here's the complete project file (minus the audio)

    I've included the custom effects and plugins I use also.

    WASD to move LMB to shoot, RMB to zoom.

    I think you'll find that it's put together very bluntly with sticky tape and cardboard. I've no experience so it's all probably the WRONG way to do well, everything that's in the .cap haha


    A big space battle scene test to teach myself some basic AI

    I also have a gameplay video of my game Agilis:

  • I want to incorporate some beat em up elements into my game, and I was looking for some advice. Any suggestions or insight at all will be very useful.

    Which behavior if any do you think would work best for the enemy AI? (right now Im using the RTS movment)

    I am using the 8 direction movement for the players, how difficult is it to add jumping and gravity to the behavior?

    I'm toying with the same thing man and the AI is a bitch lol this is how far I got (needs xbox controller)

    Got a .cap here too: