CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • Linkmans IK solver saved the day it was about having two events, when he's looking left he has an Outward bend, and we mirror the sprites - and when he's looking right his bend is inward.

    An inward bender...sorry.


  • set the height of the sprites to a negative number at the time when they're messing up, and back to a positive when they're in the "non-messed up orientation", it'll flip the arms vertically, fixing the problem i suspect. didn't try it since i cant open your cap for wtv reason, but see if it works.

    I'm not sure that's the problem, here's an image of what's happening:

    <img src="">

    So when facing right the two arm sprites are bending correctly, facing left they bend out the other way, the images are also flipped but your solution fixes that.

    lol, the game looks better than that drawing

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  • Man Vector graphics in Construct would be sweet - my buddy draws his images in Illustrator for Construct, I love the vector 'look' though when we import in the images we can't scale them very well.

  • Hmm.. I tried to run your cap and test it out, but All I saw was blackness and a few metal looking things

    That's odd - is fine on my screen, a character in a darkened room - I just updated the .cap and got rid of the lights so should be fine now.

    are you using "s"'s ik solver or linkman's standalone ik solver?

    either way, when facing to the left you'd have to change the direction of the bend

    in 's' that would be change it from solving left to solving right

    don't remember how it's done in linkman's

    Not seen S's IK solver - will have a look, we are making the IK solution through Quazzie's tutorial

  • Hmm..

    When player facing 0, set *Bones*'s angle to 0,


    Set *Bones*'s angle 180.

    Hope this helps!

    Thanks, but the bones are fine - they mirror and flip correctly it's just the IK 'arm' made up of two sprites which do not.

  • Hi guys - if anyone could lend a hand with this issue I'm having with my character - I've got a guy running with bone movement but the 'behind' arm is using IK so that the arm is connected to the characters gun at all times.

    Problem is, when you aim left, the guy faces left but the arms just flip out.

    Here's a cap I made with just the character in it:

    And here's the plugins I use if anyone has any trouble loading it:

    Deepest thanks to anyone who has any advice on the issue.


  • - Support for collaboration (we're planning a system that works with source control systems like SVN, so existing collaboration systems can be used to allow multiple developers to commit changes in parallel, use the existing source control conflict resolution, and so on).

    Oh my word that would be incredible, especially seen as I (British dude) work with someone from San Fran on a game, we have to make sure we take turns using the same .cap - this SVN feature would be very helpful.

  • Hey, I've an audio production company Grandbrother / - I use Construct pretty much every day, would be happy to write some music for this showreel if you like.

    Let me know,


    I did a quick run through of the "post-your-screenshots" thread and it seemed like most people here are using a 4:3 aspect ratio. I personally prefer to do vids at 1280x720 but don't really care either way, majority should dictate.

    Also here's another site with really cheap royalty free music:

    The final music should probably be decided on once all the clips have been chosen. If the majority of them are bubbly rainbow coloured sidescrollers then slapping on a serious sounding classical track may not be the most fitting. I do agree though that none of the crap you hear on the radio should be used.

  • Yo

    Is there any way to copy the bone animations from one character to another? Also is there a way to reverse a bone animation?

    Cheers peoples!


  • Amazing

  • The tracks are reverse-engineered in a studio to have each element separated, but the music isn't generated no, just muted or un-muted.

    I may be misunderstanding... but games like Guitar Hero and DDR... the songs are made by people, they are not created randomly by the game to be in sync with the music.

  • Yeah midis would work but for sound midi sucks, you must surely be able to do it with wavs, as a composer using midi sounds is like going back to the dark ages. But maybe you could bounce the track as wavs but still use the midi data to for the game to read and run them in parallel.

    Ideally you would want something that works with midi files. Not just something that plays them, but gives you access to the score. You would also need to be able to use some sort of sound generator.

    ....cough, Python.....

  • Would it be possible to import a grid like sequencers have ... xporch.png with bars and beats drawn out as objects and you could say, when x hits beat 4 explode. etc

  • I think how most music games are constructed, well games like bit trip at least, they will have a base piece of music which is the length of the level and every impact or action would play sounds of detail elements like melody or percussive sounds etc.

    I know that personally I wouldn't make a rhythm based game without the actual game being in control of the music being played, so that you have data on every note and all that.

    Not sure how games like Guitar Hero make it all always sync and work nice, though. Probably segmented music somehow.

  • Hey,

    I'm wondering how Construct could handle music based games like Bit Trip Beat

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    So you notice how every impact is in time with the music. My thought is that you could use Time Delta to move objects at the correct tempo, so say a track is in 120bpm, which is double that of 60, 60beats at 60 bpm is 60 seconds. You could presumably time an objects movement so that it reaches the player at the correct time.

    But what happens if you have a game similar to rez where the player can 'shoot' at any time they wish, how would you lock the players actions so that he only fired in time with the music, and still keep the distance from player to target matched up so that when the bullet hit the target that was also in time with the music?

    Also how could we have objects moving with every beat of the music but still keep the movement looking smooth without it stop/starting with every beat?

    Does anyone have any theories on this?