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We present to you “Post Apocalyptic Trailer” – our newest hard hitting, bass rumbling designed movie trailer collection.
  • Thank's everyone! We're really happy that you are enjoying As soon we have a solid prototype I'll post it here!


    > Really nice work guys.


    > My only complaint is that the lovely art work is mostly hidden in the darkness or is that just the case for this level? Seems a real shame to hide such great game art.


    Hi Minor!

    Thanks I'm very flattered! About the darkness, well, all the levels are really dark, but many lights can show up in the screen at the same time. Each level you complete your own light get's bigger, there are key lights everywhere and enemies have their own lights too.

    Thats OK then .

    Been working on a new version of an old prototype I made.

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    It creates an evolving level with "Cellular Automata" and in the second part of the video it automatically tiles the level as it evolves. I'm quite happy with it so far

  • Cool cellular automata! I never quite understood it's purpose but it really cool

    Btw, you did a great job of randomizing the tiles there.

  • I would like, to show you what I've done so far with hooks:

  • I would like, to show you what I've done so far with hooks:

    That's really nice. All events?

  • Here's what I've done lately:

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  • Here's what I've done lately:

    WOW... I'm completely blown away by these. The space shooter looked awesome and I really liked the look of that last platform game. Are you planning on turning any of these into full game?

  • I can't wait to see this "Bottom Project".

    It looks very good so far.

  • pyteo these look beautiful. Looking forward to play them.

  • > Here's what I've done lately:


    WOW... I'm completely blown away by these. The space shooter looked awesome and I really liked the look of that last platform game. Are you planning on turning any of these into full game?


    I'm still working on the platform game, I want to make it a full game. The difficult part is to not get tired of it ...

  • Here's what I've done lately:

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    this is really awesome, you're such a great artist!!

    i'm watching you on deviantArt, ok? it's keeru!

  • Got another video of Agilis here with much improved graphics - this vid shows the style and mood I'm going for in the game. Let me know what you think! (Still looks like crap but imagine if a decent artist made the graphics

  • Got another video of Agilis here with much improved graphics - this vid shows the style and mood I'm going for in the game. Let me know what you think! (Still looks like crap but imagine if a decent artist made the graphics

    Looking great!

  • Got another video of Agilis here with much improved graphics - this vid shows the style and mood I'm going for in the game. Let me know what you think! (Still looks like crap but imagine if a decent artist made the graphics

    Sweet game

  • Got another video of Agilis here with much improved graphics - this vid shows the style and mood I'm going for in the game. Let me know what you think! (Still looks like crap but imagine if a decent artist made the graphics

    I dunno, it looks appealing to me. You've got some nice depth going on with the different scrolling layers. I can't wait to see the final result

  • I dunno, it looks appealing to me. You've got some nice depth going on with the different scrolling layers. I can't wait to see the final result


    Sweet game


    Looking great!

    Nice one!

    I'll have a gameplay vid up next week am just working on the sound design for this level at the moment.

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