Cascade Games's Forum Posts

  • Update:-

    I gave a check (I thought that maybe permission is not getting triggered) & "permission" is getting granted on both mobiles. Still issue is same (working on one mobiles but not on another)


    I tried another app which uses tilt to work & it was working. Means issue is in Construct 3,not mobile

  • I have 2 android mobiles. I made a game which uses orientation sensor.

    The orientation sensor works on one mobile while it does not in another mobile (however I tilt my mobile)

    I gave a search on net & on basis of that I asked "permission". Looks like this:-

    My situation is ditto same as it was before asking for permission.

    What am I doing wrong? Do I have to ask permission "every time" sensor is used or only once per gaming session?

    Please help me

    Yes it is

  • can you show more code in that page?

    But this code should had worked. Looks like other part of code is creating issue which is not letting it change layout

  • Any updates/findings regarding this issue?

  • Hi Guys!

    I have a BIG problem.

    I make a button who when pressed, change the layout to main.

    In the preview change layout but when you export it not change!

    I try EVERYTHING but this problem is still problem.

    How i can solve this bug?

    Thanks you

    Until and unless you don't post the code, no one can help you

  • To add purchases, follow these steps:

    1° Add the mobile IAP plugin to your project;

    2° Load this version of the application on the play store (Google developer console);

    3° In your application in the Google developer console, you must search on the left side: Products >> Products in Application (this option must appear after you upload a version of the application with the IAP mobile plugin);

    4° From there you can create your products on google play and add them to your app.

    Follow the construct 3 documentation for more information:

    Thanks buddy

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hi everyone,

    I have never added in-app purchases in my games (only ads). Now I wan to add it .


    1.) How much complicated it is?

    2.) Should I know something beforehand?

    BTW I want to add in-app purchase so that users who want to remove ads can pay for it

  • Hi Ashley,

    Usually I add images in "Files" folder & load them in sprites through "load images from url". Most of time its format is png or jpg. Till today I have not faced any issues regarding that

    Now I want to go with .webp format as its size is exceptionally low. Will it be fine to load .webp images through "load images from url" action? (compatibility issues). I know that recently construct 3 also uses webp format during export but still asking for confirmation

    Thanks in advance

  • Wait a sec. I still didn't got it

    I can only see "set export image format". other than that I did not see any related option

    Please help me out regarding it

    Edit:- Sorry. Now I got it. Sorry for my foolishness

  • Click the "Image format" toolbar button in the Animation Editor and choose a lossy format.

    Thanks Buddy!

    Please also add this in documentation in "sprite"

  • Hi everyone,

    I want to add images to my game. Issue is that I want to keep it as jpg as it is smaller in size as compared to png. Issue is that as soon I upload image, it gets converted into png which increases the size of the game.

    Currently I add jpg images in files & "load it from URL". But it takes time & hence overall it looks laggy

    Any idea how can I preserve format of my image so that size of game does not increase?

  • Hello. I checked. You were right. Cold start increased at the same time.

    I posted an update compiled on version r308 and this horror began.

    Now I'm back to version r302 again and I'm building it myself through Cordova and setting the target version of sdk 31.

    Errors have decreased.

    thanks for the post

  • Check



    All ad networks use it.

    This is very important. Admob uses this

  • Trying to publish the app and see this warning

    You must complete the advertising ID declaration before you can release an app that targets Android 13 (API 33). We'll use this declaration to provide safeguards in Play Console to accommodate changes to advertising ID in Android 13. Apps targeting Android 13 or above and use advertising ID must include the permission in the manifest.

    So, how to do it?

    In play console menu, go to "last option" (I don't remember the name) where we add additional details about our game (whether it is news app or not, suitable for children or not, age ratings, contains ads or not etc). There you will find an option for Advertising ID declaration.