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    > Your admob details are wrong. Correct it

    Thanks everybody.

    Can you tell me more about what is wrong on the admob details?

    Maybe you have put wrong android id/ads id (or format is wrong). Because whenever I encountered such issues,I realized that my admob details were wrong

  • Hello,

    I have no problem to play the game in the debug mode and i see nothing strange.

    But after puting it in the playstore. When open the game automatically close.

    I don't have infinite loop.

    What did i miss?

    Here i sa link to test.


    Your admob details are wrong. Correct it

  • Try to not use test ads. Try to register your devices as test devices and use the real ads instead.

    I was basically talking about same thing (my mistake). I have registered my mobile for test ads but still ads don't work

  • Hello,

    i am having strange problem when using Mobile Advert. If for some reason, the loading fails for interstitial and i try again for the beginning of next level, "is loaded" is set to true, even though the ad is not loaded, which will result in calling "Show Interstitial Advert".

    But when show is called, i get an error saying "Interstitial not loaded" and it triggers "On interstitial Cancelled" event.

    Very strange, not able to figure out what the issue is.

    The problem started after admob placed ad serving restriction on my account.

    But whatever the case, how can "is Interstitial loaded" return true when the ad is not loaded?

    I am facing same issue. Before ads restriction my test ads were working. After that it does not work

  • Yes you must create it every time you enter the layout. I don't know how you managed to show ads on remote preview, seems impossible.

    Exactly. Ads should work in export format

  • Just wanted to point out that the algorithmic and logical lessons learned from working with Construct, as well as basic computer science principles such as variables, expressions, functions, and mathematics concepts, will carry over to any programming language regardless of engine.

    So if I were an educator, I would consider that the value proposition here has nothing to do with if my students continue using construct or not in the future (I wouldn't really care), but rather how easy it is for me to teach in Construct versus another engine?

    Personally I would hate to waste time in a programming class worrying about syntax and compiling issues ect if I could be focusing on building a strong foundation for algorithmic logic instead. But of course that depends on what the goal of your class is...

    Heart winning comment

  • I will not have time to test your project until next week Im afraid.

    But I know I tested a lot of banner types yesterday. and they all worked fine.

    The viewport of the C3-game should not matter, since the Admob-ads are created in its own activity.

    i might be able to test it after the weekend.

    No issues buddy. Even reply is more than enough 👍

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hi fredriksthlm

    Sorry for directly asking for help but I am struct in such a terrible situation. I have been trying to get banner ads work but they are simply not working at all. Maybe it is because currently admob has put ads restriction on my account or maybe it is a bug on construct 3 side (last time because of advanced minification,my video ads were not working)

    So I have made a super simple file to test banner ads . I believe that because of viewport fit setting (I have set it to cover),the banner ads at the top are not working. It would be awesome if you test this file. Otherwise I will get struck in a deadly loop

    Thanks a lot buddy

  • Hi everyone,

    I have a pixel coloring game on play console. But because of my foolish planning,in the newer version of the game, current users will lose all progress they have made in the game (Actually I rewrote the app & now it is incompatible with the save files made with older version). And I will surely be subjected to bad reviews because of this

    Is there any way I can release an update of the game where new users will get to see newer version whereas current users will never get to know about new version of the game?

    Thanks in advance

    (BTW does anyone knows what happened to email notification button?)

  • The build service maintenance has now finished (a little earlier than planned at around 15:45 UTC). We've done a wide range of software upgrades on the build service, and implemented some robustness improvements that should help ensure it keeps running reliably in the long term.

    We will continue to monitor the reliability of the build service and try to make further improvements if the situation does not improve. If something has changed on the build service that has broken something, or it otherwise seems to be not working correctly, as ever please file an issue to let us know.

    Will this have any effect on the content of newer APK files as compared to older APK files(before the server upgrade)?

  • Build server is not working for my project whose size is approx 60 MB (it is although working for smaller projects). After "Android Build" it says "timeout"

    Ashley please look into the matter

  • "Top/Botton"-setting works, yes.

    But if you are releasing a game you must test it yourself.

    (Create an app within admob, you do not need to have the app set up in GooglePlay Console. Register your phone as a test device in Admob console, then you will get test ads, but with your real ad-IDs.)

    I only wanted to confirm whether top-down setting works

    Actually the issue is that Admob has put restrictions on ads,hence I can't even load test ads (I have registered one mobile as test unit on admob site). Hence I asked this question here

    Infact even with apps uploaded on play store,ads are currently not working in them whereas earlier it was working. And no of impressions has also dropped on admob homepage

    BTW thanks for the reply

  • Hi everyone,

    I have used banner ads at the bottom of screen till now. Now due to modification, I will have to shift the banner ads to the top of screen. Has anyone done that? (asking to confirm whether it works or not)

    Reason why I can't itself test it is that I have got an email from admob saying that they have put restrictions on ads :-( Hence I am simply not able to load ads in the game

  • I am able to pay using sbi debit card & yes bank debit card. It is very much straight forward. I have to just add card details & it works

    And BTW welcome to Construct 3 family

  • I am able to pay using sbi debit card & yes bank debit card. It is very much straight forward. I have to just add card details & it works