Correct method for adding Mobile Adverts

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  • Hello!

    I'm in the process of adding Mobile Adverts to my finished game. I've set up my Admob account and can successfully trigger adverts when I want them to appear(in test mode on android), but I'm unsure if I'm executing it correctly.

    Generally I am creating an advert at the start of a layout to prepare it for viewing. For example, I have a Banner Ad Unit that I want to appear on player death - so I create it at the start of the layout and show it on the death event. It is then hidden when the player returns to the menu layout, clicks play and the cycle repeats.

    Is it safe to create an advert every time the layout is run so that it appears when it should? I don't want to break Admob's TOS by accident and the documentation I have read on displaying ads hasn't been very clear on the correct way to use the mobile advert conditions and actions.


    EDIT: Also, I noticed reward ads would play in Remote Previews on non-test devices, which bothers me... are these ads actually contacting admob or is this just construct 3 running it's own ads for testing purposes? (I have my MobileAdvert plugin set to test.)

  • Yes you must create it every time you enter the layout. I don't know how you managed to show ads on remote preview, seems impossible.

  • Yes you must create it every time you enter the layout. I don't know how you managed to show ads on remote preview, seems impossible.

    Exactly. Ads should work in export format

  • The Mobile Adverts plugin supports both Admob and Adsense. Adsense works for web. Admob for apps.

    Regarding loading and showing ads, banners and interstitials do not work the same. Your workflow sounds like a typical interstitial flow.

    For banners you should let Google refresh the banner automatically.

  • lionz thanks for confirming. I was a bit overwhelmed by Admobs policies and want to be sure I wasn’t creating invalid activity or spam on their end by mistake.

    My ads are working properly in an android Cordova export however when I tried running remote preview to quickly test gameplay changes to my surprise the reward ad actually triggered (Banners did not though). I didn’t think it would happen and feel a bit hesitant to preview my game now.

    Thanks for your help!

  • fredriksthlm

    So are you saying when I preview in the browser it’s just running a filler advert in place of an Adsense one and it’s safe to test? (I only created admob ad units)

    With the Banner Ad I tried to create it only once per game launch however when I hid the ad I couldn’t get it to reshow again. Perhaps I did something wrong the first time, I’ll take another look at my events. 👍


  • Yes you must create it every time you enter the layout. I don't know how you managed to show ads on remote preview, seems impossible.

    I dont think this is a good idea... it might generate too many ad requests and decrease match rate... also this might cause the game to lag, because loading an ad will consume network and CPU...

    I have had success creating each unity just ONCE and using the SHOW action when I want to show them, it still seems to be working like this EXCEPT for banner ads, now banner seem to work just once per creation..

    I think Construct needs to update its manual, and actually take a good look into using AdMob... Cause I dont think the team really finds it relevant for them or I dont know, there's always some confusion... for example if an ad can be shown only once and cannot be called again before creating the ad unity again, then instead of using HIDE AD it should say DESTROY AD to make more sense in Construct logic. Because HIDE/SHOW makes you think you can do as simple as that, but no, if HIDE means the ad will be destroyed and created again, than the action should be named DESTROY AD...

    At least for the Banners now, it seem to me that Hiding the Banner will really DESTROY it and they wont come back. But I can show Intersetial more than once from creating the ad unity just once at the loading screen...

    The manual for the ad plugin is too vague, I find many holes in it... Can be really frustrating testing over and over to make sure you get what you want

    I will mention the boss Ashley here just in hope to get some clarification or useful comment...

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  • > Yes you must create it every time you enter the layout. I don't know how you managed to show ads on remote preview, seems impossible.

    I dont think this is a good idea... it might generate too many ad requests and decrease match rate... also this might cause the game to lag, because loading an ad will consume network and CPU...

    I have had success creating each unity just ONCE and using the SHOW action when I want to show them, it still seems to be working like this EXCEPT for banner ads, now banner seem to work just once per creation..

    I think Construct needs to update its manual, and actually take a good look into using AdMob... Cause I dont think the team really finds it relevant for them or I dont know, there's always some confusion... for example if an ad can be shown only once and cannot be called again before creating the ad unity again, then instead of using HIDE AD it should say DESTROY AD to make more sense in Construct logic. Because HIDE/SHOW makes you think you can do as simple as that, but no, if HIDE means the ad will be destroyed and created again, than the action should be named DESTROY AD...

    At least for the Banners now, it seem to me that Hiding the Banner will really DESTROY it and they wont come back. But I can show Intersetial more than once from creating the ad unity just once at the loading screen...

    The manual for the ad plugin is too vague, I find many holes in it... Can be really frustrating testing over and over to make sure you get what you want

    I will mention the boss Ashley here just in hope to get some clarification or useful comment...

    Yes read the post, the guy is talking about banner ads. If my way is not the preferred method then please give us your idea on how you are going to implement working banner ads.

  • lionz I have read, requesting a new Ad Unity, even for banners, every time the layout starts is a really bad idea,it will generate too many ad requests and lots of times they won't be served. For example if he wants to show the banner when the player dies, and that ad is requested and ready, but instead it goes to a new level and dont show the banner, when starting a new layout the banner will be requested again and only be shown if the player dies. This will decrease MATCH RATE a lot and if AdMob even get suspicious, and they easily do, they will place an ad serving limit on your account for 30 days or for 30 years. good luck

    That's why I have mentioned that we need a revision of the Manual, with examples, because there are holes and things that dont work as the manual says and I have given examples of that.

    Banners seems to be destroyed when Hidden, but Intersetial or Rewarded ads seem to work more than just once. This is such a important plugin for mobile developers and I do hope Construct team brings more attention to it.

    This method of implementing ads seem to be more interesting but not sure if it still works: I have to try it

  • farfetchd83 Well in that video he is creating the banner on start of layout which is exactly what I suggested. If it's not a good idea please share your better idea for implementing the ads.

  • Obviously the ad unities must be created at some layout, like a Loading Layout or Menu Layout, not a good idea to create on every level where the user spend most of the time, restarting and restarting the layout.

    As I have been clear, this its a matter that construct team must take deeper attention therefore I dont have a better solution because there are holes in the manual and some things work differently from what it seemed to be indented, that's why I have joined this topic just to refresh the post and bring this to attention.

    If you feel personally offended, that is your own problem.

  • Why are you guys arguing over creating extra ad requests?

    Just create (load) the ads when they do not already exist, e.g.:

    Start of Layout: is Ad NOT loaded: Create an Ad

    Simple! Do it on every layout, it would only create it if it doesn't exist already.

  • That is a great logic, I remember using that method once but it did not work properly, it would never load the ads ...

    but I guess I can try again and make an example I can debug this time

  • farfetchd83 You bumped the post 5 months later to say it wasn't a good idea, I'm simply asking for your idea and how you would do it better.

  • lionz yes, that's how the forum works. the subject is still relevant and need to be improved, this post awakening will help many others in the future

    so since you insist: creating ad unities on every layout without even knowing if they will have a chance to be used is a terrible idea, admob might not like that and bring you trouble

    thank you El Constructorr for adding another really constructive suggestion to this matter instead of just being a grumpy creature that needs to wash out the sand out of its va gin a and chill

    I'm sure this thread will be useful for many for months and maybe years from now

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