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  • Could Construct 3 indicate us wich variables we are using and wich ones we are not??

    That would be so helpful...

    I created a bunch of random variables....

    I am lost now I dont know wich ones I am using and wich ones I am not...

    Anyways thats would be great thanks!

    Brilliant Suggestion

    Also It would be awesome if it could also indicate which assets are being used & which are not. Once I gave a cleanup to my project & size of my game dropped by 10 MB in size

  • Are you using C3 build service?

    Export to Cordova first, extract Images folder, compress the files, then update them in the zip. Then load this zip into the Export Manager and continue building the aab.

    Yes I am using C3 build service

    I absolutely did not got meaning of "load this zip into the Export Manager and continue building the aab" this. I mean how? Never heard of this

    Edit:- I got it. I wished I would had been knowing about this earlier

  • I personally register my devices as test Devices in Admob Console. And not use any "Test mode" or test ads on the actual plugin.

    Then I try the app in Android Studio (this will always be classified as test device), or install them on my physical device (which is registered as test device in Admob console).

    This is the perfect solution. Otherwise you will have to unnecessarily compile your app 2 times (one for test & another for production)

    Also subtract the headache of accidentally trying live ads on your mobile. Admob takes it very seriously

  • UPDATE:-

    I exported my android game & compressed the images (I was super careful in doing all steps). And at the end I saved about 10 MB.

    I converted the .aab into .apk & tried it on my mobile to see any bugs/issues. There were no issues at all


    When I uploaded my .aab file into play console,it rejected saying "invalid signature. please upload another file with correct signature". And when I tried the original file, it accepted without any issues

    Any idea what is happening?

  • Construct's built-in PNG compression is very good, but is lossless, so will preserve artwork pixel-perfectly. Using other PNG compression tools which are lossy can improve the compression, but these fundamentally work by degrading the quality of the artwork in your game. So you may want to check the appearance of your game very carefully afterwards to make sure it hasn't degraded the quality too much. For example a nice smooth gradient could be much smaller if the colors are reduced, but then it can appear with visible bands instead of a smooth gradient.

    Thanks for the reply. But it will be awesome if there was an inbuilt option for loosy-compression. And it should be quite easy to integrate since lots of algo are available

  • Construct 3 is a gift send from the God. And if you can make good art,that's even more awesome

    My only concern is dependence on Cordova for Export. It is rarely used & very few people maintain it & that's too in the name of charity

  • Hi DiegoM

    Can you please elaborate on this

    Because I have to upload some projects today

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads

    I use Cordova CLI locally, it always works very well. So it might be a good idea also for some of you to look into.

    Cordova CLI just released v11 btw

    If there would had been a step by step tutorial available on the net or anywhere, it would had been awesome.

    Do you know anything regarding it?

  • Try TinyPNG which is a free online service, or UPNG by the super talented Ivan Kutskir (also free and client-side IIRC).

    Thanks a lot!!!

  • I use this tool to compress images in exported games (web and mobile) and I never have had any issues:

    I opened the site. And I didn't got how to use it(there are too many options)

    I am a windows user

  • I use this tool to compress images in exported games (web and mobile) and I never have had any issues:

    Love you friend ❤️

  • Hi everyone,

    I want to reduce size of my exported game,hence I extracted the exported game,took all spritesheets & further compressed using online png compressors. And result was awesome(I saved about 20 MB) in size

    But I have few doubts about it:-

    1.) Is it fine to do this? I mean, are there any side effects ?

    2.) Is there something else which I need to keep it in mind? (Like:- use only this png compressor to do the task etc)

    Thanks in advance

    My project is quite huge in size & since my PC is not powerful hence it takes a good amount of time to compile the project & upload it to the servers

    Because of faulty servers, today I lost 3 hours. It matters a lot to me.

    currently android build is not working for me. It shows "websocket is not closed". Ashley please look into the matter

    (But the build servers were working few hours back)