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    > Add a browser object


    > On any trigger(like on double tap,tap etc)-->lock orientation (it is there in browser object)

    hello,I tried your method, but the mobile phone mode test in Google browser has no effect. Now the screenshot is as follows. Can you give me a demo? thank you very much

    Exactly. You are going in correct direction

    On left side, instead of "on tap", change it to "tap on an object" or something else. For example, in my game, i am doing " on double tap" --> "request fullscreen" then "lock orientation portail"

    On right side, first "request full screen", then "lock the orientation" to whatever you want

    Best of luck

  • There's no point doing that, because all those files are downloaded on startup already for the offline cache.

    If this is related to this issue, the problem was the server had disabled caching. So the server was telling the browser to re-download the resource every time it was requested. If the resource is allowed to be cached, it won't be repeatedly requested.

    You are right. Actually I don't have knowledge of web development so I just simply assumed that it was game engine fault

    I will have to change some settings on the netlify so that my problem gets solved

    Thanks a lot Ashley for figuring out my issue. Thanks again

  • It shouldn't be a lot of work if there is some system to these files. For example, if they named like file001.txt to file200.txt, you can load them all in one loop with only a few events.

    Can we do it? I mean how can I load a file just by using its name

    Add a browser object

    On any trigger(like on double tap,tap etc)-->lock orientation (it is there in browser object)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Request all these files in your loader layout, and save their contents in global variables or an array/dictionary.

    Thanks for the reply

    Actually there are many text files (approx 200).And it would be a lot of work. But I am quite sure that there must be another way for this( Ashley may help)

    Anyway thanks for the reply. Have a nice day !!!

  • I have made a html game in which there are many text files (.txt) in project folder. But when I exported my game and tested it , I noticed that game never loads project files in advance like other files(event,objects):- I mean the game only loads the required text file when it is in use. But it would be problem for users with low internet speed and hence game would crash

    So how can I make the game load all project files in advance itself (like in loader layout).

  • There is no good demo or tutorial, unfortunately. You can find some useful info in this post:

    Thanks a lot.

  • Hello friends,

    I am soon going to launch my game on play store and it will have a purchase option to permanently remove ad from the game (hence non-consumable). But I have no knowledge of in-app purchase plugin and the documentation was also not that helpful either. So can someone help me regarding how to implement in-app purchase (I have a merchant account and play store developer account also). It will be very grateful

  • I am soon going to launch an app and I will use admob in it. I have also earlier launched as on play store with admob and it was working fine. But the real issue was that around 5 days later my admob account got banned.And I did not messed with the "Test Mode"-> I was very careful with it. Maybe it is possible that I may have violated some rules but the thing which eats me from inside is that "maybe the issue was in the event sheet where I wrongly implemented it, like I was "calling to load ads many times in an event sheet" because of which Google God got angry on me"

    Now I am restarting my journey with launching my game through my friends account.And I do not want to mess up with anything. So friends, can you please share a minimal project just figuring out how to use admob to call ads of different types like interstitial,banner and video type.And many developers here have already been successful with implementing admob


  • What I am assuming:-

    If flashlight shines on ghost for less than 1 second-->no damage

    If flashlight shines on ghost for 1 second-->25 health deduct

    Or If flashlight shines on ghost for 2 second -->50 health deduct

    And there are multiple ghosts in the game

    My solution:-

    1.)Make an instance variable for the ghost sprite named "ghost_death_counter"

    2.) (If "flashlight sprite" overlaps "ghost sprite") & (every 0.0 second) --> add 0.01 to ghost sprite's instance variable named "ghost_death_counter"

    3.) (For every ghost sprite) & (If value of "ghost_death_variable" >=1)--> (reduce 25 from its health) & (reset value of "ghost_death_variable" to 0)

  • Issue solved !!!

    I filed a bug regarding that and Ashley solved the issue in r207. My project which used to take 20 seconds now only takes 3 seconds

    Thanks everyone for helping me !!!

  • Great work buddy !!! Artwork is awesome !!!

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