Cascade Games's Forum Posts

  • I have been encountering this issue from like last 2 years

    I have got tired of this. Game just hangs there (music just keeps on playing in the background as if nothing happened)

    Any idea how to deal with it? Any workaround?

    (This is surely related to loading of image from file folder using "load image from URL")

    Update:- I changed "Max spritesheet size" to 512 from 2048 & it seems to reduce the number of such errors

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi everyone,

    Nowadays I am facing a new type of issue with admob.

    I got email from admob, stating that "Google AdMob ad serving has been restricted to your app". This is happening with multiple apps & I am getting extremely worried

    My policy screen looks like this:-

    All issues are related to "Google-served ads obscuring content".

    Any idea/suggestion on how to deal with such issues? If you have any experience with dealing with such issues, please share it

    Thanks & Regards

    I restarted the build service again and it should be working again. (Every time I restart it, I run a test build to verify it's working, and it was working for me after the last restart.)

    Apologies for the inconvenience everyone. Unfortunately it's extremely difficult to figure out why this happens. When it stops responding, I can log in to the build service and see that it has low CPU, free memory, free storage space etc. and everything looks normal, and there are no errors coming from the build service. I will continue investigating and try to narrow down what is going on. In the mean time for anything urgent remember you can do offline builds with the Cordova CLI.

    Article was last updated in 2017. And I can't believe that nothing has changed thus so far

  • Similar issue:-

    What exactly happens:-

    When I start working, in the beginning Construct 3 (editor) works fine. But after approx 1 hour, editor lags horribly (although project runs smoothly)

    What I do:-

    I have a Ryzen 5600H laptop. I tweaked settings in AMD software & selected "performance" instead of "battery optimisation". Also I noticed that issue dissapeared when I used my laptop in plugged mode.

    Maybe our issues are different but I am adding few inputs just in case

    Let me share my experience

    I got a laptop & now I develop in it (earlier computer was there). I noticed that after 30 minutes the editor lags considerably (but for me that was problematic)

    Then I realised that it only happens when laptop is not plugged in (when laptop is plugged in, the problem did not occur)

    So my suggestion is that try with laptop plugged in. If problem disappears then "battery optimisation" is the culprit (Windows & AMD Software:-I have Ryzen 5600H)

  • This actually looks really nice! Too bad I only have an iphone rn but maybe in the future, I'll give this app a try, most likely give it a rating!

    Thanks a lot!

  • Hi everyone,

    I have finalised my app on play store. And it is my 1st app made using Construct 3. It is a "Daily Reading" app.

    It contains collection of quotes, facts, riddles, trivia quiz & vocabulary booster. This will provide motivation & improve your knowledge & vocabulary. Brilliant way to kick start your day!

    Link of the app:-

    Surely give a try to it!

  • Hi everyone,

    I have launched pixel coloring app on play store. There are 1500+ images to color. It was very tough for me to code it (because of performance optimisation) but I was successful in doing that. It is hard work & optimisation of over 1 Year!

    Here is the link. Surely give a try to it!

    Edit:- 1 Year (I myself forgot about the spent time on the project)

  • Hi,

    I've been trying to test whether Admob banner ads are working via testing my app on an android device. No ads are displaying so it looks as though they aren't loading. So far I've tried exporting unsigned release APK, which gives me the error message "App not installed" when I try to load and open it on my phone, and debug APK, which works but doesn't display ads.

    This is the code I've been using:

    I'm new to this so there could be any number of things I'm doing wrong. Any advice would be really appreciated.

    Make "Show:false" to "Show:true".

  • Construct 3 is a 2d engine & frankly speaking, it would be better to go with full blown 3d engine for 3d game development. Because it hardly matters how many 3d features are added in construct 3,there will be many who will remain unsatisfied with features & would demand for more & more

    It is not that I am trying to be a fanboy (I have many personal issues with Construct 3 like performance on mobile, mobile lags while banner ads loads/reloads etc) but it is a wonderful 2d game engine & I believe that unnecessary pressure should not be mounted on devs who are already under pressure because of small team.

  • We (Scirra) do not collect any data at all from exported projects. If we did it would be quite a big legal and privacy minefield.

    Thanks for the reply

    Actually I got an email from google stating that I have incorrectly filled data safety form.

    They said that my game also transmit data related to "apps activity data type:-apps on device"

    So I guessed that maybe scirra is taking some data from its side too (maybe trying to figure out how many android apps are made using construct 3)

  • So, have I missed any option?

    Or I have filled something wrong? Please help me regarding this

    This post will be useful for many fellow developers

  • Hi everyone,

    Yesterday I got mail stating that I have filled data safety form wrong. They believe that my game is taking info about "apps on device" & I haven't declared that.

    Whereas I have only used admob in my game (official plugin). And I have not used any other plugin


    How I have been filling it:-

    Does your app collect or share any of the required user data types? Yes

    Is all of the user data collected by your app encrypted in transit? Yes

    Do you provide a way for users to request that their data is deleted? No



    Approximate Location

    App activity:-

    App interactions

    App info & performance:-

    Crash Logs


    Other app performance data

    Device or other Ids:-

    Device or other Ids


    for "approx location" & "Device or other Ids":-

    for "App interactions", "Crash Logs", "Diagnostics", "Other app performance data", except data collection option where I have selected "data collection is required (users can't turn off this data collection)", rest everything is same

  • Hi Ashley

    What data does construct 3 takes from exported android apps (example:- number of installs, mobile data, etc)

  • Ashley Just one more thing. I wanted to buy

    but as I understood it is not allowed to create plugins that already exist as construct built-in - official (although construct platform info haven't worked from the start) so there is no possibility for someone else to do something similar. :-(

    At the bottom it is written that the plugin is depreciated