Biim Games's Forum Posts

  • Thank you Ashley, I have found a similar issue reported on May, this year, so for now I add my comment there instead of opening a new post.

    In case you or anyone else want to follow up the topic, it's here:

  • clickfusion I just started using Linux, but I don't use Mint distribution.

    I had a similar problem and I sort of solved it, you can check my post hereç

  • Ashley I did a bunch of export with all different NW.js until I find the breaking point. With NW.js version 0.84.0 (Chromium 121) the export works fine, from version 0.85.0 (Chromium 122) the export doesn't work anymore.

    I know that the Linux players are not so many and developers using C3 are probably just a bunch of people, but if you would like to give it a quick look maybe we are lucky enough to solve the problem with latest NW.js versions.

    Thanks :-)

    By the way, I have also noticed that the export has a favicon and taskbar icon with C2 icon and not C3, this because the template has still the old C2 icons in the project. Not sure if you care about updating those or leave it as nice memory of the past.

  • Thank you Ashley for the reply.

    I did try to uncheck 'Ignore GPU blacklist', but it didn't work, so I tried one by one to uncheck other things, use PNG and JPG and so on. In the end I got the idea. C2 export works, so something new that is on C3 doesn't work.

    So, I checked the latest C2 version of NW.js and it's the v0.54.0 (Chromium 91) [Requires C2 r217+] dated 27th May 2021. I then exported C3 with all options as default, including checked 'Ignore GPU blacklist' and the exported Vertical Shooter Template worked without problem. On the contrary of C2 export, I can even resize the window without problems!

    Now, the only thing left is to try to export from the second latest version and going backward to 0.54.0 until I find a working NW.js.

    The question left is now this. Is an issue that goes case by case with Linux depending on the individual computer and distro, or is the issue related to C3 in how it interacts with NW.js regarding to Linux?

    By the way, I am totally new with Linux, so I will try to avoid solutions that might lock me out of the system :-P

  • Jase00 I am not using a PI, I am using a Tuxedo laptop with the following specs:

    Operating System: TUXEDO OS 3

    KDE Plasma Version: 6.1.3

    KDE Frameworks Version: 6.4.0

    Qt Version: 6.7.0

    Kernel Version: 6.5.0-10043-tuxedo (64-bit)

    Graphics Platform: X11

    Processors: 24 × Intel® Core™ i7-14650HX

    Memory: 67.1 GB of RAM

    Graphics Processor: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2

    About C3 editor, actually I didn't tried yet, I saw that it was opening and I didn't check more. At the moment I can't login on my account with the editor, however I have no problem here on the forum.

    Sample projects are loaded on C3, but the preview doesn't work.

    The C2 and C3 exports (NW.js) that I have tried to run have been created with my Windows laptop, then the exported files copy and pasted on Linux and the result are the ones on my post.

    About the PI, I am not using, I just mentioned it as that was my only little previous experience with Linux. Don't worry about this info, it's not relevant to the issue I'm having, sorry for the confusion and thank you for the reply :-)


    I can now login inside the editor and run the preview.

    The issue with the exports are still the same.

  • Anyone uses Linux?

    I'm starting to transitioning to Linux, so by this chance I have an opportunity also to test Linux export from C2 and C3, thing that I wasn't able to do earlier.

    I did try to export with C2 and C3 the Vertical Shooter Template. Now, with the C2 I have no problem, it runs smoothly in Linux, unless I maximise the window, in that case the view is messed up as for screenshot. Not sure if changing screen setting on the project I might solve the problem, is an issue with Firefox on my Linux distribution or is the export itself having problems.

    With C3 export instead, the game window opens and closes straight away. I can't even see any image before it closes. If I try to right click the file and run it in console, the result is the same, but I have a long list of logs about the crash that I don't know how to read. I can copy and paste it, if needed, but it's quite long and seems sort of repeating itself.

    This is just the beginning of the console log error:

    [8579:8579:0816/] Failed to call method: org.kde.KWallet.isEnabled: object_path= /modules/kwalletd6: org.freedesktop

    .DBus.Error.NoReply: Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying

    [8579:8579:0816/] Error contacting kwalletd6 (isEnabled)

    [8579:8579:0816/] Failed to call method: org.kde.KLauncher.start_service_by_desktop_name: object_path= /KLauncher: o

    rg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.kde.klauncher was not provided by any .service files

    [8579:8579:0816/] Error contacting klauncher to start kwalletd6

    [8579:8579:0816/] Failed to call method: org.kde.KWallet.close: object_path= /modules/kwalletd6: org.freedesktop.DBu

    s.Error.NoReply: Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying

    [8579:8579:0816/] Error contacting kwalletd6 (close)

    [0816/123632.785725:ERROR:elf_dynamic_array_reader.h(64)] tag not found

    [0816/123632.785762:ERROR:elf_dynamic_array_reader.h(64)] tag not found

    [8610:8610:0816/] Check failed: g_shared_instance_ != nullptr.

    Anyone has an idea about what should I do to run the program on Linux? Sorry if it's a stupid question, but it's my first time using aside few interactions with the Raspberry PI where I did really not much with it.


  • You are welcome and good luck with your project! :-)

  • There is no way to protect your code to work with freelancer, but you can put some efforts in reducing the risk. I understand the issue since I am a freelancer and sometimes potential clients are concern about their code to be stolen.

    Here my advice:

    1) Work only with freelancer that have a good reputation and that can prove they have the skills to help you. If they are more skilled then you, they don't need to steal your code since they can for sure make the game all by themselves and probably better. That's why you ask their help in the end, right?

    2) If you need a specific function, just ask to make a standalone program. You can just copy the Event Sheet(s) provided into your game and adapt them.

    3) If solution n.2 doesn't work for you, then create a new project, recreate the issue you need to fix there with placeholder art and audio, and ask to fix the issue in that test program. You will then copy and adapt it to your game.

    4) If solution 2 and 3 are not suitable for you, then make a copy of your program and remove from it all the things that are not related to your issue, make sure the issue is still happening as in the original program and then send it to the freelancer.

    For example, if you need a level selection layout, you can simply remove all the event sheets of the game, leave just the layouts with their name, but empty of all the art and objects and give the skeleton of your program to the freelancer that will create the event sheet and layout for level selection.

    5) This might be slower and therefore more costly, but it's a solution sometime I offer to clients as well. Pay the freelancer per hour and go on video call, share the screen and show the issue and the part of code where you think the freelancer might find the problem. The freelancer will takes a bit of time to study the code and trying to figure out where the issue is, depending on the skill of the freelancer and how much your code is organised, long and complicated. Then together you will fix the issue step by step.

    Those tips should give you a good amount of protection, if you are looking for a freelancer you can get in contact with me, I am a bit busy with reforming my house at the moment, but I could be able to help you depending on what you need.

  • Have you checked these games made with Construct?

  • Hi StraGeoStudios,

    I built that system for one of my clients, but he wanted to use Articy as interface for setting up all the dialogue choices. Then from there a file was exported and my code would read the file and create the dialogue in the exact way you need. Multiple choices, go back to a previous dialogue point, keep tracks of choices already selected so alternative choices can be shown and an outcome system that you will customise to your code to do whatever you need. The outcome will be an open end so you can use it for change variables, story, levels and whatever you need.

    The system also allow to play SFX, Soundscapes and Music when a certain dialogue start, you have also a choice for change characters' expression and such. More actions can be added depending on what you need for your game, but overall, the output field already gives lot of flexibility, like for example we used it also for spawn enemies at a certain point.

    If you don't want to use Articy, you can type directly in a txt or xls file the data needed.

    Here one example of the file for a dialogue:

    Dialogue N\Index\Action\Character\Position\Text\Choices\Requirement Type\Required Item\Choices Index\Outcome\Music\Soundscape\SFX\Expression| 1\0\Start\Anna\Right\Hi, this is your first dialogue!\\\\1\+~Array_Quest_Items~Map\SC TOWN\|\Empire_Game_Animal_Nature_Pig_Hog_Livestock_Grunt_Snort_Noise_Farm_Field_Ranch\Neutral| 1\1\Goto\Anna\Right\Now, you will have to make a choice to progress in the game.\\\\2\\\\\Neutral| 1\2\Choice\Anna\Right\Do you want to eat pizza or pasta for dinner?\Pizza~Pasta\~\~\3~5\\\\\Neutral| 1\3\Goto\Hero\Left\I would love to eat a pizza!\\\\4\\\\\Happy| 1\4\Goto\Anna\Right\Great, it's a while I'm not eating pizza! Let's go!\\\\7\\\\\Happy| 1\5\Goto\Hero\Left\I know a good place where they serve big plates of pasta that are tasty and cheap!\\\\6\\\\\Happy| 1\6\Goto\Anna\Right\Sounds great! Let's go!\\\\7\\\\\Happy| 1\7\Choice\Anna\Right\Where do you want to go after dinner? Cinema or Bowling?\Cinema~Bowling\~\~\8~11\\\\\Neutral| 1\8\Goto\Hero\Left\I don't know what there is at the cinema in these days, but we can go and have a look.\\\\9\\\\\Neutral| 1\9\Goto\Anna\Right\There is a new adventure movie I would like to see it's called "Adventure Movie".\\\\10\\\\\Embarrassed| 1\10\Goto\Hero\Left\What a weird name, but let's go to watch it if you think that's nice.\\\\13\\\\\Surprised| 1\11\Goto\Hero\Left\I never played bowling, but that's a good chance to learn it!\\\\12\\\\\Embarrassed| 1\12\Goto\Anna\Right\I am not an expert too, but I can teach you the rules.\\\\13\\\\\Happy| 1\13\Goto\Hero\Left\That was a great night Anna. Thank you very much!\\\\14\\\Light_Fire_3\\Happy| 1\14\End\Anna\Right\It was my pleasure, let's meet again soon!\\\\\\\Stop\\Happy| 2\0\Start\Anna\Right\You don't have a weapon, I have an Iron Sword and a Shooting Iron. I can give you one so we can fight together.\\\\1\\SC HOPEFUL\\\Neutral| 2\1\Choice\Anna\Right\Which one would you like to use? Iron Sword or Shooting Iron?\Iron Sword~Shooting Iron\~\~\2~4\\\\\Neutral| 2\2\Goto\Hero\Left\I don't know how to use a Shooting Iron, so the Iron Sword it's a better choice for me.\\\\3\\\\\Neutral| 2\3\Goto\\\{ Iron Sword added to team inventory }\\\\6\+~Array_Weapons~Iron Sword\\\Empire_Game_Foley_Impact_Metal_Junk_Hit_3\| 2\4\Goto\Hero\Left\I am great with Shooting Irons, I'll be more useful with that.\\\\5\\\\\Neutral| 2\5\Goto\\\{ Shooting Iron added to team inventory }\\\\6\+~Array_Weapons~Shooting Iron\\\Empire_Game_Foley_Impact_Metal_Junk_Hit_3\| 2\6\Goto\Anna\Right\Ok, let's go.\\\\7\\\\Empire_Game_Animal_Nature_Horse_Noise_2_Neigh_Whinny_Vocal_2\Happy| 2\7\Goto\\\{ While walking on a plain... }\\\\8\\\Thunderstorm_Loop_3\\| 2\8\Choice\Anna\Right\Hey that hell bird stole the map from my hands!\Oh no we'll be lost!~I'll take it down with the Shooting Iron!\~Array_Weapons\~Shooting Iron\9~10\\\\\Surprised| 2\9\End\Anna\Right\We are in trouble now, it will take much more time to find the temple ruins!\\\\\-~Array_Quest_Item~Map\\\\Sad| 2\10\Goto\\\{ You manage to kill the hell bird and recover the map! }\\\\11\\\\Empire_Game_Foley_Metal_Safe_Movement_10_Roll_Slide_Drag_Soft_Quick_Sharp\| 2\11\End\Anna\Right\What a great shot! We could have been in big trouble without the map!\\\\\\\\\Happy| 3\0\Start\Anna\Right\Mmm, I'm not really sure what's the best way to progress from here.\\\\1\\Stop\SC_Beach_RIppling_Loop_2_Short\Empire_Game_Animal_Nature_Horse_Noise_2_Neigh_Whinny_Vocal_2\Neutral| 3\1\Choice\Anna\Right\Where should we try to ford the river? North or South?\North~South~Let's check the map to see if there is a bridge somewhere nearby.\~~Array_Quest_Item\~~Map\2~3~4\\\\\Neutral| 3\2\Goto\\\{ It takes 30 minutes to find a way to cross the river }\\\\6\\\\\| 3\3\Goto\\\{ Luckily after only 10 minutes you find a way to cross the river }\\\\6\\\\\| 3\4\Goto\Hero\Left\Look, if we go a bit south, there will be a bridge and we can cross the river safely.\\\\5\\\\\Neutral| 3\5\Goto\\\{ Near the bridge, you find your old friend Brian that happily joins the party! }\\\\6\+~PC~Brian\\|\Empire_Game_Animal_Nature_Horse_Noise_2_Neigh_Whinny_Vocal_2\| 3\6\End\Anna\Right\Ah, finally we are arrived at the temple!\\\\\\Stop\Stop\Stop\Happy| 4\0\Start\Anna\Right\This is the gate of the temple. It seems the only available entrance, but it's locked.\\\\1\\SC TOWN\\\Neutral| 4\1\Choice\Anna\Right\How should we get in from here?\Try to knock down the door~Try to picklock the door~Use Brian's Levitate spell to access from the collapsed roof\~~PC\~~Brian\2~3~4\\\\\Neutral| 4\2\Goto\\\{ Taking the right timing, all of you kick the gate at the same time and manage to knock down the door. }\\\\5\\\\Empire_Game_Foley_Impact_Metal_Junk_Hit_3\| 4\3\Goto\Hero\Left\Let me picklock this gate, it seems an easy job…\\\\5\\\\Empire_Game_Foley_Metal_Pulley_Wheel_Bar_Spin_Twist_Whirl_Mechanisms_Gear_Turning_10\Neutral| 4\4\Goto\Brian\Left\Everybody come close to me and hold on me, we'll levitate on top of the wall and get down on the other side.\\\\5\\\\Empire_Game_Foley_Metal_Safe_Movement_10_Roll_Slide_Drag_Soft_Quick_Sharp\Neutral| 4\5\End\Anna\Right\Yeah! That was easier than I thought!\\\\\\Stop\Stop\Empire_Game_Foley_Metal_Pin_Drop_On_Concrete_Ring_4\Happy|

    I don't have an interface to write the choices, just relying on .txt or Excel, because the client wanted to use Articy, but I am able to build an interface too if you don't want to use Articy.

    If you are interested in using Articy to export the file for my system, then we need his assistance for the job he did in Articy to get the export right.

    Let me know if it's something you might be interested in.

    I'll ask my client if it's possible to share a video about the dialogue if you are interested to see it in action.


    If you copy and paste the code bit it will look confuse due to how it is formatted here in the form. If you want to see how it works, once pasted in a text editor, press enter to create a new line after each |. The symbol is identified to set up a new line.

  • "i dont... need help... its a simple programming task, thats the beauty of it. Sure it will take months as there is 100 layers of simple tasks.. "

    I don't understand, if you don't need help, why posting on Job Offers then?

    "90% art.. yes.. however. Ai gives royalty free art."

    Using AI will more likely bring you more trouble than benefit, and not only to you.

    "also... waste time? if it doesnt go anywhere, you end up with a ton of pre made assets, and code... AND art... its really a win win.. and if it does take off.l you are a profesional game developer"

    Then, as professional game developer, if I have to spend so much effort for something that is not sure to bring me profit, why sharing the revenue when I can work directly on my project? That's the point you are missing and that's why people are not joining you.

    Anyway, I tried to give you advice, you are welcome to ignore it. Good luck with your idea, I go back to work on my project until a new real paid freelance opportunity will arise.

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  • programming is pretty simple tbh, just a ton of arrays. but, later it will need a ton of work to make it online, and multiplayer

    If it's pretty simple, then you don't need help, but then you say (correctly) that will need a ton of work for making it online and multiplayer. So how do you expect someone to work for free for 1 year or more in something that might be a flop?

    do you want to be paid?

    Is that even a question to ask? Like "Are you so annoying that after working for months you want even to be paid?"

    its 90% art.

    That is an additional cost, if you don't do the art, how are you planning to have artists work for you for free for so much art? Because if for this type of game you are going to take roughly at least 1 year of development, and that's only the 10%, that meants that the art is 9 years worth of work...

    seriously, whats wrong with the world, cant work unless its cash in hand.

    I think you miss the point. Look, I bought a very bad condition house on a small mountain. You can come here in Japan (you pay your trip, food and accommodation), then you start to fix my house, cut the bamboo forest, fix the land and plant fruit trees and vegetables. Then we cut part of the forest, we make a fence to protect the 6000 square meter of land, we did to find mountain water and then we make some little bungalows for tourists. That's at least 1 year of work you will have to take care about. I will take care of the marketing, managing, accounting, advertising, set up the bungalows internal etc., that's about 90% of the work. If we make money I will give you 10% of the income. Can you start next month?

    Now do you understand?

    Seriously, I gave you a good advice in the previous post. You are free to don't consider my suggestion, but don't complain then if people don't want to waste their time on your project.

  • You are asking a lot in exchange of, maybe, a cut of the sale.

    I'm sorry it doesn't work in that way, especially for big projects.

    You'd better start something small and then with the earnings pay the team members you will need for a bit more complex game and so on.

    You can try, but it's easier to win the lottery...

  • Does the last release 280 not work?

    Honestly I haven't tried to run it, since I remember Ashley at one of the releases said that XP wasn't any more supported. Perhaps am I confusing some features instead of the whole program?

  • Windows XP is as obsolete as Construct 2, come over to the light side my friend.

    Which one is the light side? C3 on Windows 11? I have already and using C3, thought I will move to Linux before start to use Windows 11.

    My point is that while my usual laptop that has both C2 and C3 is busy doing something, I can still use the old netbook. It might also be handy to teach basic Construct concepts to beginners in case I don't have enough computer if I will held in person classes.

    So, the question still is valid and no need to throw away things that still works.

    The fact that Windows XP is as obsolete as C2 is good, because I can't run C3 on my old netbook :-D

    Beside that, I am still using C2 for most of my personal projects, I use C3 only when it's a customer requirement or I have to create an app. Aside for that, C2 still works fine for all my needs!