Biim Games's Forum Posts

  • While I agree that Construct can be improved in many things, I really can't complain about it, because honestly, without it, I would be still dreaming about making a game, or trying to do something with old Basic.

    Scirra is a small company, well, that's not something bad. I mean, that could just employ 50+ more people and bankrupt straight away, because before getting the monetary benefit to pay someone fulltime, you need to sell a lot.

    I have find many time situations where trying to do something with events is not working and is more complicated than a single code line, but hey, overall I still save lots of time. Yes, improving those inefficiency or weird cases would be of course beneficial for everyone, Scirra, developers and even players.

    I have been using C2 and C3 for a total of 10 years now. Yes, I haven't developed great games, but I still don't get the point where some users says that C3 is not scalable. Since "scalable" is a term that can be used in many situations, could you provide me some examples so it's easier to understand what's wrong?

    Again, I know some issues are annoying, but once you know the engine you can still work around those with events. I never used JS, aside for a big project in collaboration with someone working in the backend that supervise that, but I don't need so far JS, aside for a couple of experiment I tried with C2.

    One example of annoying thing is that once you create an object, you need to wait one tick before being able to treat it as family. Yes it's annoying, but once you know you can make it work. I have some cases where I uses those problems as not intended way to obtain what I need.

    About multiplayer, for the little things I made, it works. It might be tricky sometimes, but so far works.

    I agree very much on the fact that letting choose to the community what develop next, would help users to get gratified, especially since it's a subscription program and people wants to feel part of it. Maybe 1 out of 5 new things could come from users' suggestions. If we want to avoid new joining users to make unreasonable requests, the vote/suggestion could be limited to users that own construct for at least 1-2+ years.

  • That's kind of expected. But on the other hand, if I were in just for the money I'd stop using Construct and start a dropshipping company. Also, there are other ways to make money apart from directly monetizing youtube.

    Yes, of course. I never planned to be rich just making Construct tutorials, and even adding other form of monetisation on YouTube is not worth. I'll be back to go back to make tutorials as soon I'll be free again, lately I'm quite busy.

    My goal is to use Construct to make a living with my childhood dream job, and I can't complain about it since I'm actually living only thanks to game development at the moment.

  • > Overall I think most of the issues people have been complaining can be solved by Brackeys type community members teaching people about the software and writing tools to cover more and more blind spots.

    I agree with the above point - construct lacks people like brackeys and codemonkey, but I also think the few out there making tutorials dont have a large enough audience to justify making tutorials. Its a chicken egg thing. Well made videos are a TON of work and you need enough users to care... I keep thinking of giving it a go (mostly on SOLID principles and how they apply to construct), but...

    Alot of what makes good coding practices good are difficult to apply to construct. Which is my biggest trouble with it for larger games and why i only really prototype concepts. I must admit, I've been using custom plugins for variables since a month after starting to use construct and globals 2.0 is great. Managing scope in c3 compared to c# is night and day though. I can write code quite easily that I never have to look at again in unity. Making abstract complex framworks is cumbersome, especially when you can't prevent their misuse in the future if you forgot what variables and functions are for what.

    I made quite a few video Tutorials for Construct, both in Italian and in English.

    Unfortunately numbers are not there to even start to monetise, since YouTube place an unbelievable threshold to start to monetise. The channel must have at least 1000 subscribers AND a total of 4,000 hours watched of public video in the last 365 days. That means that with tutorials, that are usually short, it takes forever.

    I have courses that are a series of longer tutorials, but even though I can't reach it. The only way to do it is to make video every day, but that's not worth the money.

    And by the way, even if I you can't monetise, YouTube still puts ads on your videos, so they make 100% of money and they give you 0% share. So to conclude, it's not worth that for making money.

  • I forgot to mention, also a section or link to YouTube channel where you interview developers that have completed those games would be great. Show how the team is in connections with the developers and gather their experience on working with Construct.

    What was easy, what was their challenge, what they achieved, what's coming next and so on.

    It will be a good collaboration for both Scirra and developers since both will get a boost in marketing promotion.

  • Leaving the price aside, since it has already been discussed many times, I think that the real problem of Construct is their use base itself.

    The way majority of games published with Construct are silly mobile or browser games, and that's what someone that hear about Construct sees. If I am using a different engine or I never programmed and I want to develop my big dream game, I will not be interested in an engine that mostly create endless clicking games or clone of other simple games like Flappy Bird.

    I've been using Construct since 10 years now, and I am still amazed about what I can bring it out from it, and not only from C3, I still keep using C2 for many of my projects too and it's still great!

    Yes, a new user will never end up in creating their MMORPG with Construct, but they will never do it either with any other engine, because they lack of experience more than it be an engine limitation. So, you need to show well what can be achieved if you stick with Construct at the very beginning of your page. The rotating cube is nice, but if you don't keep looking at it, you can really see the good games like The Next Penelope or Mighty Goose. I think a slideshow underneath it, if you want to keep the cube, of other good looking games is good to have, especially if you can click and see 1-2 minutes of gameplay.

    I think you can also include some of the games done with C2, in the end you can say "If this was achieved with C2, can you imagine what you can make with C3?".

    There a few games that are graphically astonishing, and since we know that the eye wants its part, I would add those at the very beginning of the homepage. Videos of games like Remote Life, Cyber Shadow and Klang will make a huge difference. These are published games on Steam, so new users can see what is achievable completing a game with Construct.

  • Hi Andreas (Uriel1339),

    Yes, I'm definitely interested in talking about the project.

    I love turn based RPGs and I started to play D&D since its first edition 30 years ago, so you can understand that I'm into these type of things.

    I have checked out Conclave and for most of those things it shouldn't be a problem to be developed with Construct. The only thing that might (or might not) be difficult depends on how you want to hand the multiplayer.

    Please contact me with more details.

    My website is you can find my contact there.

    Thank you,


    I have an idea to make a turn based RPG in the style of 'Conclave' here:

    I have several game design aspects and attempted a prototype in the past, however my programming knowledge is limited.

    If you are interested in developing it in completion with me, let me know so we can discuss monthly rate & hours, etc.

    Thanks in advance!


    Andreas aka Uriel1339

  • Hello, I would like to remind everyone that I am available to assist with the development of Construct 2 & Construct 3.

    If you need help to know how to use the program, if you are strenuously fighting against a bug or even if you need a consultation, I can help you with my assistance service.

    I also develop prototypes and complete games if you need.

    Here some samples of my work:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Send me a message with the type of help you need.

    Thank you! :)

    P.S.: I don't work for revenue share. Paid only work. Thanks!

  • Looks nice

    Thank you!

    By the way, I have just checked your game page.

    You have 3 identical screenshot, make sure to add different ones to give a better idea what's your game about.

    Good luck with it!

  • I have developed "Solo RPG Oracle - Basic", an app that works as an oracle, and helps those who want to play role-playing games alone or in a group without a Dungeon Master, to create stories and receive answers to their questions.

    The app can also be used to receive inspiration for the creation of missions and campaign for your games!

    This app is a tool that you can use in different ways:

    - Play RPGs without a Master.

    - Get some inspiration to create the background story of your character or NPC.

    - Receive some ideas about a mission or campaign for your game.

    - Roll dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20 e d%).

    - Take some notes.

    The app is in its Alpha version (not final yet), and I would really appreciate if you could give me some feedback.

    I include here a video where I explain how the app works and its goal:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    You can download the app here:

    The app in this "Basic" version is free; there is just one advertisement at the beginning to watch to be able to use it.

    Premium versions with additional features will be available soon.

    Let me know what do you think about it.


  • I have developed "Solo RPG Oracle - Basic", an app that works as an oracle, and helps those who want to play role-playing games alone or in a group without a Dungeon Master, to create stories and receive answers to their questions.

    The app can also be used to receive inspiration for the creation of missions and campaign for your games!

    This app is a tool that you can use in different ways:

    - Play RPGs without a Master.

    - Get some inspiration to create the background story of your character or NPC.

    - Receive some ideas about a mission or campaign for your game.

    - Roll dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20 e d%).

    - Take some notes.

    Here a video where I explain how the app works and its goal:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    You can download the app here:

    The app in this "Basic" version is free; there is just one advertisement at the beginning to watch to be able to use it.

    Premium versions with additional features will be available soon.

    Go to "Play" and snap "Live Chess" then, at that point, there is a bolt that says "Play a Companion" and afterward it is simply setting up the time controls and such yet it is simple from that point. Mainly, your companion needs to click "Live Chess" as well (while one sets it up and sends the test, the other is holding up at live chess). The simple query such as can pawns go backwards in chess and comeback to the payment.

    Sorry jellyrana, but I don't understand what you are saying. Is that supposed to be related to my post or is a sort of spam you are doing here?

  • Not sure if it's normal or not, so I just share the info here. It might be a bug, or just a lack of my knowledge on the topic.

    After spending 2 days trying to build for the first time a mobile app, and in addition putting on it one interstitial or a reward add, I could never see the advertisement in test mode on my mobile.

    In C3's preview (that for what I understand pretend to serve web based ads) all the mechanics works fine, while on mobile it doesn't. So the problem isn't my code.

    Only when I gave up in trying to minify it, I finally got the ads. I tried once again with simple minification and it worked. While with the advanced it doesn't.

    Originally I was also setting lossless and lossy format to WebP, before giving it up about the minification, but in the end, all my succesful tests were done with PNG and JPEG setting. I just now realised I should have tried also with no minification and simple minification, using WebP.

    So that's it. Do you have the same problem?

    If not I guess, it might depends on my mobile. So if I have this type of problem, also users might have the same issue too.

  • #screenshotsaturday

    Halloween is coming, and it's a good chance to remind you that last year I published Creepy Mahjong! A mahjong solitaire, with dark theme.

    If you love puzzles, challenges and creepy atmosphere, check it out!

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • Ciao Mirko,

    I'm Italian, but I reply in English, so it's fair for the others to understand what's written.

    I can help you if you need assistance with Construct.

    These are a few samples of my work, that include personal and clients' work:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
    Subscribe to Construct videos now
    Subscribe to Construct videos now
    Subscribe to Construct videos now
    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    And of course on my channel you can find lots of other videos where I teach how to use Construct 2 & 3.

    My website is:

    Feel free to send me one email to discuss about the details.

    Ciao e grazie,


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hi bgalbs,

    I have been teaching Construct 2 and Construct 3 for a while, both to young and adults, in person and online. I am able to help you on that online, since I live in Japan.

    If I'm correct I'm 16 hours ahead of you, that means that for example I can teach when it's 5pm in Seattle and it's 9am here in Japan (of the following day for you).

    These are the types of games I teach to absolutely beginners in just a few lessons:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    These instead some of my work, to prove that I know how to use Construct:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
    Subscribe to Construct videos now
    Subscribe to Construct videos now
    Subscribe to Construct videos now
    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    And of course on my channel you can find lots of other videos.

    My website is:

    Feel free to send me one email to discuss about the details.

    Thank you,
