Hi, could it be possible to select an object by it�s alpha value instead of the bounding box? It would be better to select when there are multiple objects with transparency.
Hope my suggestion is clear,
Breakpoints, controlling the variables and expressions in real time, a ctrl+f4 key to start with the debugger from the start
Try disabling your plugins one by one Rayek, and try to make a new game based only on C2 plugins so you can see if it works ;]
czar After the first time it�s pretty easy to use ;] My game is running on 3gs in a nice speed ;]
Don�t forget to write! ;D
Just saw that — has made a very neat tutorial on using Ejecta
Awesome work goldentreee!!!
Thank you!!
I�ve given up on waiting for CJS and their misteryous update schedule and I�m using Ejecta to wrap my mobile app.
Basically, If I had the knowledge I would invest in this open source project rather than waiting unknown amounts of time for a solution.
I recommend you take a look.
nickname it is, just remember you need to load a layout with your objects on it before spawning these objects in a layout
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
My bad, Yann would be awesome too for sure ;D
Well, I�m glad there�s so much interest in this.
Does anyone know a good programmer who would be intersted in learning the sdk for C2 and making this for a cool price? ;]
Maybe the awesome rexrainbow Pode or R0J0hound would be interested in taking a look?
Bl4ckSh33p thank you for the answer fellow sheep ;D
I�ll try to use that for now! ;]
Hi, could we have a Toogle state for every boolean type of action/event?
Toogle Pause/Play for audio for example would be very helpful.
Necessary o.o
Yeah California, but thanks for the link. I?m looking for a more friendly way of managing light and shadows, so I can just add luminescence and colored lighting to some objects in an easy way. I?m not too keen in programming a system myself inside C2, because I suck at math. ;P