2dchaos's Forum Posts

  • Thank you for your reply ;]

    Oh well, I hope this feature gets on some of the next betas, I have some neat game ideas for the future that are dependant on a fast and easy way of adding light and shadows to a 2d enviroment(a stealth game).

    I love Construct 2 and Unity really seens to be too complicated on handling complex 2d enviroments ;( Also, C#!

  • Nobody interested? o.o

  • Hello fellow developers, I?m looking for somebody to make a behavior/plugin that can achieve dynamic light and shadows for webgl in C2, similar to how CBNA for gamemaker works (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KvjEiur0eY).

    I imagine there would be a behavior called Shadow Caster, another called a Light Caster and different types of properties for the lights and shadows(color, cone, reach, softening) and also some events like "Is on shadow".

    Being able to see the lights in the editor is a must.

    So, I know this is complicated and as I?m uncapable of doing something like this myself, can I get a quote via pm of how much would something like that cost and in how much time it would be ready?

    I?m more than willing to share the result with the community but if someone could chip in to pay the costs, that would be great too.

    Thank you!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I think that would be the best way, so any object can be a light emitter or a blocker. ;]

  • On 138.2 I�m having frquent crashes as well, specially when I�m resizing images or after a save.

    I can�t seen to replicate the error o.o

  • Yay, thanks keepee, that�s exactly what i was looking for ;]

  • Hi, are there any parameters similar to Flash�s StageHeight and StageWidth? Something like CanvasWidth and CanvasHeightW

    WindowHeight and WindowWidth doesn�t work for me on the Scale Outer mode. LayoutWidth and LayoutHeight doesn�t work too.

    I need to spawn some enemies on the end of the screen, no matter if the window size the player is using.


  • Thank you trollface

  • Ashley BluePhaze thank you again for the kind answers ;] Sorry about another faulty bug report

  • Hi, how can I make this work? Thanks.


  • Ashley ok, any idea on how I could achieve the effect I want?

  • Just two suggestions to make the turret behavior even more helpful:

    • An option to turn off the turret(no rate of fire) and shoot just under certain conditions(Every X seconds for example)
    • A Cone of View property like the one in LoS for the turret. Right now turrets are 360 degrees.

    Thank you.

  • Hi, everytime I post a new topic, edit our post a reply, the forum sends me an waning saying my session has expired. Usually, reloading the page corrects the issue.


  • Hi hollowthreat, could you send a picture of how your project folder is organized and the error message that appears?

    Also, with the last developments in the cocoonjs, shouldn?t we be thinking more seriously of officially supporting Ejecta and Ejecta-X for ios and android export? You know, open-source and all? ;]

  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create a textbox, add two instance variables.

    2. Create a Function that sends the instance variables as parameters.

    3. On function call, wait the 1st var seconds and set the text as the second param.

    Observed result:

    The textbos returns 0.

    Expected result:

    The textbos should display the second instance variable.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 8.1 Preview

    Construct 2 version:


    Thanks for looking.