2dchaos's Forum Posts

  • Nope, it�s free and open source.

    Check it out on impactjs.com/ejecta

  • Well, it?s really easy to use and far more compatible with ios devices than cocoonjs. Plus, no cocoonjs loading screen, gamecenter and iap integration with the plugin and you can compile your own code easily, not needing to rely on the cloud system.

    They have webgl support already working but I haven?t tested it, because my game don?t use any of them.

    Sound just worked too. ;]

  • I?m glad it helped! If you figure out a way of doing inn app purchases in the sandbox mode, please tell me ;]

  • I would recomend trying Ejecta for iOS and using 0plus1�s plugin:


  • Nofish

    1 - Download ejecta, ejecta plugin by 0plus1 and fnr findandreplace.codeplex.com

    2 - Plugin goes into exporters folder. Use it as you seen fit.

    3 - Export your game WITHOUT minimizing to HTML5 default

    4 - After that go to the export folder. Place fnr.exe here and the EjectaXporter_2d.bat found inside _exporters folder.

    5 - Run the bat, wait for it to end.

    6 - Copy the following files

    Media Directory

    Images directory



    7 - Extract the ejecta main file. Paste the copied files inside the App folder.

    8 - In the XCODE project, change your build id. If you need to change the orientation DON?T change using the XCODE default, it will bug. Instead, go to Resources > Info.plist and set the Initial Interface Orientation to the one you need.

    9 - Set all the other silly xcode stuff.

    10 - Build! ;D

    I?m still trying to make IAP work, does anyone know how to create a product inside sandbox?

  • That?s great, the plugin is working amazingly well(much better than cocoonjs). Ashley should really think about implementing ejecta natively, I?m getting 60 fps on iphone 4s and about 45fps on my old 3gs.

  • Thank you for the plugin, can you implement iAds and other in app purchases in the future?

  • any chance of implementing iads and further in app purchases to the plugin? ;]

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  • thank you a LOT 0plus1, thanks to you I�ve exported sucessfuly my game to the iphone and it�s running flawlesly(cocoonjs was giving me a lot of headaches) ;]

  • Why anyone would be so cheap to steal a license for a professional tool that is 100$ and has a free version with much of the functionalities of the full version, blows my mind.

    Really, is it worth scamming someone to develop a game? Are those people so <img src="smileys/smiley35.gif" border="0"> cheap that they can?t sell their crap game for at least 100$?

  • I would suggest a way of selecting multiple objects so you can easily drag and drop them inside a folder. ;)

  • We?re using asmallorange.com and it?s geat so far .)

  • Damn, they�re already out of stock ;(

  • cool idea and I imagine it wouldn?t be too difficult to implement ;]

    An easy way to visualize arrays would also be great, some kind of database. ;] (maybe that could be included in the debugger)