Ejecta Thread

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  • Exporter and Plugin ready: github.com/0plus1/C2_Ejecta

  • great, thanks a lot 0plus1 for all your work :)

  • Thanks a lot 0plus1!

    <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Awesome stuff! It's a shame webgl doesn't really work on it yet though, because of that it's not really an option for what I'm working on. Hopefully they'll get it working eventually.

  • Awesome stuff! It's a shame webgl doesn't really work on it yet though, because of that it's not really an option for what I'm working on. Hopefully they'll get it working eventually.

    Just to be clear, it works perfectly webGL 100%.

    In MY game (which is the only real world benchmark I have) there is a significant drop in framerate with WebGL (around 10fps). I also have the same exact issue with memory management that I had with canvas2d so it wasn't an option for me. The exporter for WebGL is there, please try, the more people start experimenting the faster will get there.

  • Well, I was mainly referring to the memory management apparently not working, and webgl should be faster, so it doesn't seem like 100%. :/ I might try playing with it anyway.

  • Arima : in fact, WebGL shouldn't be faster with Ejecta, it should just be the same speed as canvas2d.

    What Ejecta does is translating javascript calls into OpenGL (ES) calls.

    So, in the end, the canvas2d code is translated to OpenGL, and the WebGL code is also translated to OpenGL. The fact is that vikerman started to work on the WebGL portion of code way after the work was started on canvas2d, so the difference of semantics between canvas2d and WebGL explain the difference of translation (meaning their speed of execution) when they run with Ejecta.

    That also means that using WebGL in your Construct2 code won't be faster than using just canvas2d (it's different than running in the browser). The only thing that won't work is WebGL shaders.

  • Hmm... Yeah, I was comparing it to the difference between running games in desktop browsers in canvas2d mode vs webgl, with webgl being faster even though canvas2d is also hardware accelerated, so was expecting performance improvements on mobile as well.

    Regardless, even if webgl offers no speed benefit it shouldn't cause a heavy performance hit. Once it sorts those issues out I'll be giving it another look.

  • This is great news, I can't wait to try it out! It seems like so much of C2's mobile progress hinges on CocoonJS's ludicrously slow updating. It'd be nice if new options were explored...

    edit: How do you change the bundle identifier?

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  • I know this post is 2-3 weeks old but are people still experimenting with Ejecta? I imagine cocoonjs is also coming across some great changes but I'm also interest in Ejecta.

  • retrodude

    Ejecta already works, I have a published game on the appstore wrapped in Ejecta, at the moment is the only way to get Game Center leaderboard and achivements on iOS.

    There is still to experiment in the field of webGL, but it's currently working as much (and probably better) than CocoonJS.

  • retrodude

    Ejecta already works, I have a published game on the appstore wrapped in Ejecta, at the moment is the only way to get Game Center leaderboard and achivements on iOS.

    There is still to experiment in the field of webGL, but it's currently working as much (and probably better) than CocoonJS.

    Webgl definitely makes games look more aesthetically appealing but I'm not too concerned about fully implementing it into mobile phone apps yet.

    Also congratulations on getting your game fully uploaded <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> its good to hear you were successful in using Ejecta. The problem is, does it support both android and IOS? Or just IOS? Also does Ejecta have its own splash screen that appears near the beginning of the exported app like Cocoonjs? The splash screen is the only thing that's currently turning me off from cocoonjs.

    Hopefully once cocoonjs gets its premium service we can remove the splashscreen.

  • retrodude

    Sadly Ejecta is not available on Android (and I'm inclined to think it'll never will).

    There are no splashes or anything of that kind forced, you have the full source code which is why Ejecta really stands out, if you need a feature you can easily implement it yourself if you know Obj-c. The community is really active and there are some cool features being implemented by the users, recently there was a commit that crypts the game files (which in Ejecta and in CocoonJS can be unpacked and stolen by a malicious third party).

    I would like to use cocoonJS for the cross platform capabilites, but the updates are too slow, undocumented and lacking, right now Ejecta is the only way to go on iOS in my humble opinion.

  • thank you a LOT 0plus1, thanks to you I�ve exported sucessfuly my game to the iphone and it�s running flawlesly(cocoonjs was giving me a lot of headaches) ;]

  • any chance of implementing iads and further in app purchases to the plugin? ;]

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