> > Even if it fails, by the time you have decided on another licensing model, a lot of the people here would have moved to the obvious contender - fusion3.
> >
> >
> Is Fusion 3 multi-platform? Can I run it on a Mac? Just curious...
Fusion 3 editor will be multiplatform yes - confirmed to be developed and tested on windows, mac and linux. More than that - running natively - not inside a web browser.
Fusion 3 will have a similar license model to the current version of fusion 2 - with an upgrade discount for existing users.
You buy the editor, it comes with an exporter that compiles the game natively on the platform you are on.
You can buy separately native exporters for android, ios and even html5 - they go on special offers with huge discounts a few times in the year. Things like the event sheet have been reworked to be more modern. Disadvantages such as code reusal are also being addressed in fusion 3. So scirra is in a tough spot and things will only get worse when clickteam releases it - especially if the license price for lifetime is around the same price point as the yearly subscription of construct3 <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":|" title="Neutral">
btw here are some of the NATIVE indie games made on fusion 2 and 2.5:
nice frame rate there
fusion 2.5 runs almost perfect on mac and linux via wine. There will be no need for wine when 3 comes out - it will have native editor for each of the three platforms.
Construct2 does not run well with wine - you cant run a server to playtest your game and there are crashes.
Excellent! Exactly what I needed to hear right now. Thank you for that information. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">