ok, so, im currently saving up for a licensed copy and am using the free version w registration i.e. 50 events instead of 30.
so i know with the paid version theres wonderful features, such as the ability to add more than 2 layers, and that handy little z order list; however, i dont yet have those, and am looking for a temporary workaround.
what i have currently is working up until i added my scenery object, so it may just be too much going on, sorry for the lack of capx, but essentially i have an autorunner.
if player x >=400 set player x400 - this keeps him in the middle of the screen and all gameplay at x 400
the player essentially stays at 400, and all scenery moves
180 degrees when right is pressed.
i have sets of emitters, one for a tree sprite, with several large tree backgrounds, a second emitter for single tree sprites, 2 more emitters for a ground path sprite, and a fifth emitter for scenery such as rocks, bushes, random plants.
the idea was to use disneys style of 3d layering, to create an almost living environment.
currently, my event sheet says
On Right Key Is Down > tree bg,tree bg2, groundblock,scenery - move speed angle; Groundblock,Treebg2,Treebg - move to bottom of layer
-sub event - player - on collision w scenery, if player y>= scenery , scenery ,player, groundblock, treebg2,tree bg - send to bottom of layer
this makes it so that the objects move when you hold right, and whenever youre moving they rearrange and correct their z order
the problem i've been having, is i'm trying to make it so that if the player sprite is in front of an object so to speak, their z order is higher, and they show in front of the bush etc, but if their z height is lower, placing them higher on the screen, behind the scenery, it would show up in front of them, blocking part of your view.
it seems to work about 50-55% of the time.
all of the background trees and ground paths function fine, but i can be at the bottom of the screen and still show up behind some objects.
anybody have an easier way of ordering objects z layer other than constantly sending things to bottom/top of layer as theyre spawned or creating multiple layers (as im capped at 2 layers atm)