... -your-game
so it seems its been disabled until further notice.
im not too knowledgeable about multiplayer or savegames, but i would assume you save a player name as a variable, and score as a variable, as well as positions on the leaderboard, if leaderboard2 > leaderboard 1 set nameholdervariable to leaderboard1, set leaderboard1 to leaderboard2, set leaderboard2 to nameholdervariable
this would successfully replace the player in first with the player in second, and vice versa if the person in second has more points than the person in first. this would be daisy chained all the way to however many leaderboard slots youd want. each would just be a text object, same w scores.
as far as how to get the names and scores of the players and display to all users, that my friend i do not know.
as i said, not too knowledgeable about multiplayer, ive been wanting to learn how to make a texting app but i assume i need a server or a license. but i think the server is the key, its a host that connects with all users and can ferry information back and forth, or hold it while games are inactive.
though, don't give up
can always fake it til you make it.
set 2 columns of 11 text objects, top 2 are name and score. the rest are leaderboard1, leaderboard2, etc. can make a list of fake names, and play 10 times and write in your scores, maybe some high some low, scores can be random generated numbers within ranges, and if player is above x score they take that slot, giving them the positive feeling of beating other people, without the actual server or other players. also makes your game feel more popular, as theres all these other players, even if said player is the first or second to play your game.