Cherico's Recent Forum Activity

  • Its a problem, 'couse the "MR" spawns itself. Is that so important? Or could you let another object spawn the "MR"?

  • Hey!

    First (as always) sorry for my english

    I'm an austrian (not australian) Writer and i would like to make an kind of online eBook-Reader for my site.

    Is this possible? And if yes - how?

    User should click on an book in an shelf - it will be shown "big" - the user can click and read page by page ...

    Okay, this will not be the "big problem". I could make the pages as images, appear and disappear page by page when clicking.

    But how can i use another source as content for the pages (not images)?

    Like an external textfile or html site?

    And change font-size while reading (like an "real" eBook-Reader)?

    Thanks very much!

  • On Sprite created = Set animation frame to random(Sprite.AnimationFrameCount)

    With "AnimationFrameCount" you dont have to tell the numbers of frames, the sprite have (random(0,1,3)). It will take automatically the numbers of frames, the spite have.

    And be sure, your frame speed is 0

  • Maybe this will help?

  • R0J0hound

    Your example is absolutly great!

    But i think, it does not look like an light, more like an huge mouse-controlled waterdrop

  • Try this example.

    Sorry for my english, but i hope, you understand my comments in the .capx

  • ...If you need a written example post back and I'll create a more visual outline...

    I posted back and sent you a message - please can you (or anyone else) create a.capx, what simple shows how it will work?

    Very big thanks!

  • He means a dice-roll like in mmo's

    When you type in the textbox "/roll 100" and press enter, a random generatet number between 1 and 100 will be shown.

  • It would be great, if you could make a small example

  • How do i make a game like Wheel of Fortune (Gameshow).

    It's not the problem to make the wheel or to bring them to rotate - the problem is the word-finding.

    How can i realize, that there is the "Word-Wall" with an invisible word behind and when i klick on an letter (or hit the key on the keyboard) the right letter will appear (or the wrong gives a failure-sound an the next player can play).

    And so on...

    I hope you know what i mean and sorry for my english

  • Very nice and cute look!

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  • I love the graphics and the smooth animations!

    But it's really to hard - and the control is not optimal - why i have to stand still while shooting?! Let's move slower while shooting, not stand still.