Cherico's Recent Forum Activity

  • I already tried "pick nearest", but when i use "turret: pick nearest enemyX,Y" it does not work. Now i try "enemy: pick nearest turret" - it works! Thanks!

  • Hello and sorry about my english ;)

    I want to make an space-shooter-game, where the player controls a ship and build weapons (turret-controlled) with power-ups (like in battlespace commander - a really great game!!!).

    The turret-behavior is absolutly great to control the weapons and it works fine when i "shot" a bullet in direction of an enemy.


    I also want to have a laser as weapon - and the width of the laser should be the same as the distance between the weapon (turret) and enemy (not a fixed-width-laser-sprite that shoots into the enemy like a bullet).

    I hope you understand what i mean?

    The problem is, that the width of the laser is always the distance between turret and enemy ONE (the first created one).

    I created an test-capx to show you my problem:


    (Arrow-keys to control)

    The command for shooting:

    Turrend: on shoot - Turrent spawn Laser, set width or Laser to distance (Turrent.X, Turrent.Y, Enemy.X, Enemy.Y)

  • Big big big big SORRY for late answer.

    (and sorry for my english)

    HERE is the .capx

    It's very simple:

    On Start every object spawns the shadow-sprite.

    Every tick the shadow-sprite's width and height will set to an special value (distance between mouseX,Y and shadow-sprite). Also will look into direction of mouxeX,Y (or wherever the light is).

    Thats all!

    But it's NOT REAL Light&Shadow, it's more faked, but can be useful ;)

  • Any other? :(

  • The Node webkit s some platform specific thing...

    I don't know how it should save a text?!

    I tried some, but i can't find a solution with Node Webvkit :(

  • :(

  • No one?

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  • Hello!

    How can i save an text (text area object) to an external drive, like "save as" (writing some text into the textarea, click on a "save" button and the normal window pops up, where i can chose my drives and a filename to save - also a button to load any text files)?

    Thanks and sorry about my english ;)

  • Sure!

  • Great game, but on my device (Asus Vivo Tab with full Win8) the chicken runs always to the right side of the screen. So i cant see coming obstacles... :(

  • If it should always rotate: Behavior - Rorate.

    On event: if XY happen - rotate object X dagrees/set angle to position/anything like that...

  • Templar

    (don't work in IE)