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  • Hi everyone,

    I wonder if anyone came across an issue I'm having and maybe can give some advice.

    I made a skeleton with hierarchy and I'm trying to create some animations with the sine behavior.

    The sine is just controlling the angle of the bones.

    When I change animation, I set all the bones angle to 0 the cycle position to 0, then I set the parameters I need for each bone (period, magnitude and cycle position).

    Now the issue is that even though I'm calling the same function that sets the exact same values, every time I'm getting different results.

    After about the 5th time I call the same animation I will get the actual 0 angle and right offsets. (you can see in the last animation of the first part of the video, I'm setting it to idle a few times, then eventually it get's locked and stay on the right angle.

    Now if I add repeat 5 (less than that won't work) times on the set animation function (see second part of the video), it will always switch to the right angle and offset.

    I'm cracking my head against the wall here, but I just can't figure out why this happens.

    I can use the repeat as a work around, but I would really like to know what I'm doing wrong.

    I can share a c3p file if needed.

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  • Ashley I would appreciate any response in this matter, even if it's "there's nothing we can do".

    Is there a way to get canvas + pasting objects + updating mesh to work together other than having 2 instances and alternating ticks?

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  • There is no action to change that parameter in run-time, you can suggest it as an enhancement feature.

    In the meanwhile you can use the trigger "On fade-out finished", then choose to destroy it or not, manually.

  • You can't change the layout size in run-time.

    You should make the layout as big as you need it and limit the view and player's movement to whatever bounds you need.

  • Ashley maybe we can have the canvas update its mesh at the end of the tick too?

  • That's what I originally did, but that felt like a hack and unnecessary extra canvas and events.

    Ashley is this true? So it is a limitation after all? Any way around it besides 2 canvas and alternating ticks?

  • Here is another more simplified example, where I just draw it once on the start of the layout.

    One object updates the mesh on the same tick, the other one has a little wait.

    Though both use the same mesh points values, I'm getting two different result.

    The second one is the one I'm looking for, but I can't get it to work every tick.


  • Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to create shadows using the canvas plugin.

    I'm using mesh distortion for skewing, by moving the top left and right mesh points around.

    But even though I'm only moving the top points, the bottom baseline also gets shifted.

    I noticed that when I draw it every other tick and wait 0 before updating the mash, it does draw it in the right angle, keeping the baseline centered to the player.

    Can anyone shed some light on the subject?

    What am I doing wrong?


  • Tried it today for a short while, worked fine, though I found one issue, pressing 'ESC' seems to cancel fullscreen.

  • Personally I don't care about the extra hustle or download size with using NWjs.

    I care about performance, features and stability, if the end result is the same, then I don't think it's worth your or my effort.

  • Not sure if this is related, but I had issues with r235 not previewing, it worked on and off, but mostly off.

    I couldn't manage to pin the problem to report it, but I got a bunch of domside.js (if I remember correctly) errors on each of the plugins (official and 3rd party), see if you get those.

    I reverted back to r233 for now.

  • You can have two text objects, the bottom one in black with X/Y offset and lower opacity, that's pretty much what drop shadow does.

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