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  • Hm strange, could you maybe post a screenshot of the photon part in your event sheet? (only connection to server/lobby)

    It works fine with localhost and NWjs, but didn't work as html5 export yet.

  • ThePhotons

    I'm sorry for spamming you, but I have another (short) question.

    Is it possible to run my online game as HTML5 somehwere? I did try it with GitHub, Itch.io and GameJolt and none of those seem to be able to connect to the server. The NWjs version is running fine.

  • Hey!

    I am currently working on an online 1vs1 game and my problem is, that I don't want the game to stop running when you minimize it.

    In doing so, your game stops, while the enemy's game is still running... ending in some bad syncing errors (minions died on player 2's game while yours was minimized).

    Is there something I could do about it? In the NWjs version I just set the window to permanently be on top of others, so you would need to close the game first. (Only ingame, not in menu)

  • ThePhotons

    Thank you, I solved it now probably the same way you just wrote. ^^

    I uploaded a html file via my Github webpage that just has the version number in it.

  • ThePhotons

    Thank you! Hm, sadly it isn't possible that easily. Would be nice be able to set and edit a version ID right where you create and edit your Photon Apps and then just check it with an event in Construct 2.

    Would something like that be possible in the future? It would make version checking and keeping the user up to date insanely easy!

  • ThePhotons


    How can I prevent someone using an older version of my game to join the server? Right now I just set the lobby name to the current version, so that you can only play with people from the current version (only temporary solution).

    What I want to do is, to:

    1. Tell the player, that his version is outdated and that he should update it.

    2. Prevent players from older version to join the game severs.

  • Thanks, going to post the question there!

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  • Hey!

    I'm working on an online game using Photon right now and have small problem.

    How can I prevent someone using an older version of my game to join the server? Right now I just set the lobby name to the current version, so that you can only play with people from the current version. What I want to do is, to:

    1. Tell the player, that his version is outdated. (Maybe send the newsest version number via AJAX? I didn't get it to work though)

    2. Prevent players from older version to join the game severs.

    Thanks in advance!

  • About 3 years ago, I started making a 2D MOBA with Consctruct 2

    The online mode of it is still very buggy and in a very early state, but it is playabele!


    Only the DOWNLOAD versions supports the online feature.

    Tell me what you think about it and write to me if you are interested in playing a test round!

  • Definitely going to try it out today!

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Member since 13 Aug, 2016

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