13spongg13's Recent Forum Activity

  • Yes, "How do I" and not "EXTREMELY DIFFICULT".

    You can put your EXTREMELY DIFFICULT into the text, not into the title.

  • Uhm, why write "extremely difficult" for something such easy to make, just because you don't know how?

    Use some lerps, invisible objects and you are fine. If you need help, don't try to clickbait people.

  • No Problem!

  • Hey!

    I'm working on a 2D MOBA For about 3.5 years and finally got it on steam last month. It is 100% free to play and offers online multiplayer (with Photon), a singleplayer mode and a local splitscreen mode (using Paster).

    It now finally reached 6500 downloads and there are often around 10 people simultaneously playing it!

    This is my first ever game I started and probably still will be updated for quite a while.

    (Everything except for the music is made by me, music is credited rightfully ingame)

    What do you think about it? There is also a browser version on itch available.

    Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/1198760/League_of_Pixels

    Itch: kingdanius.itch.io/league-of-pixels-2d-moba

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  • You posted into the wrong section, it is only for showing your work and not to ask technical questions.

  • newt

    Is there a reason why I should use timer instead of wait?

    Do the 2 differ in any way?

  • Hello!

    I am currently working on an online platformer, and many players are giving me feedback about inconsistent dash distances, both for them and for their enemy.

    For movement, I just use the integrated Platform behavior and not using any DT at all in that event.

    It works like:

    On Button pressed:

    Set dash to 1

    If dash == 1

    Simulate pressing right/left

    Add 10000 to acceleration and deceleration

    Add 200 to speed

    Wait 0.1

    Subtract 10000 from acceleration and deceleration

    Subtract 200 from speed

    Do I need to consider adding dt somewhere?

    Might it be that acceleration in Construct doesn't consider delta time?


  • You can still put it one steam, but I have problems with showing the Steam overlay.

    I also have access to the Steam username, even with the greenworks Plugin. You will just need to use an older version of NWjs.

    Mine is too new, I think that's why my overlay isn't working properly.

  • If you don't care about the people cheating, why even bothering then?

    It's their decision if they want their fun destroyed, they problably DO have fun cheating. Otherwise they wouldn't do it.

    I think you are certainly going into a completely wrong direction. You can't dictate a player that he won't have fun cheating, because he is missing all those "I did it!" moments. He definitely knows that he bypasses those intentionally, so you should not bother about cheaters.

    If your game would be either online or have certain important unlockables, cheater might be a bigger problem. But if not, just keep working on the game.

  • I tried it right now and it's actually quite simple, using Blend mode effects. The capx is attached here.


    1. You create a layer for both the text and the color object.

    - Set "Transparent" to "yes".

    - Set "Blend mode" to "source atop".

    - You can now also create other layers e.g. below that layer if you want a background.

    2. Create a Sprite-box for the color. (Just wide box that can cover the text's width)

    - "Blend mode" of Color-box to "Source in"

    3. Create your text.

    - "Blend mode" of the text stays "Normal".

    4. Both the text and the color-box are now on the same layer. Color-box needs to be ABOVE the text in the


    I also implemented a fast movement event for the blue bar, so it can it goes to the next line after the first one is finished. The Color-box has the Bullet behavior right now.

  • Hey,

    I'm working on a game for quite a while already, and there is one thing that annoyed me from the beginning already: the animation preview is SOOOO tiny. (My sprites are mostly about 20x20 pixels)

    Is there any way I can resize the animation preview window, so that I can actually check the animation? Right now, I always have to open the game to check the animation for minor mistakes. Ofcourse I can see big animation mistakes in that tiny window, but it's still super bad to use.

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Member since 13 Aug, 2016

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