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  • AllanR

    I have some sort of enemy wave spawning in my game and read that things like "for each instance" might be very performance heavy.

    In the project I also use the Canvas Plugin for Splitscreen and Photon for online multiplayer. (in this screenshot, both of these are currently disabled though)

  • Hey there!

    I am developing a game for 3.5 years now, and there is already a bunch of events, sprites and animation in there.

    My main event sheet causes a CPU usage of 20% (it includes every other event sheet), but I can't figure out why it's so incredibly high. The events are put in different groups, but they only add to a total of 2-3%.

    What else can cause that to happen? For clarification, every layout uses my "Event Sheet 1", but that shouldn't be an issue, since you are only ever on one (+HUD) layout.

    Can Global variables or the "include x Event Sheet" cause anything like this? I do have 60fps on my computer, but the game runs noticable worse on my notebook (~10-20 fps).


  • heberthferes and

    Thank you! :)

  • Hey there!

    I started to make a platformer MOBA game in Construct 2 three years ago, and in nearly 1 week it will finally see the Steam release!

    The game used to be purely offline for most of the time, before I finally started using the Photon Multiplayer Plugin 2 months ago to make it online.

    I never thought that it is actually quite easy to create a multiplayer game so quickly, so big thanks to Moerk for this Photon Tutorial.

    The game is finally heading over to Steam on 26th December and will be completely free to play. You can wishlist the game now already, and it is also playable here on my itch io page!

    Gameplay Trailer

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  • umarfarooq

    Thanks for taking the time to post these, I will try to get a hang of it!

  • umarfarooq

    Thank you for the reply!

    Do you have any example or some sort of documentary on this? What exactly would I need to do for it, since I didn't work with anything of that yet.

    Is also possible in Construct 2, since you mentioned c3?

  • Hey there,

    My game is launching on Steam soon and I am planning to make it free to play with optional DLCs to buy.

    The official Greenworks Plugin does not have support for DLCs and I fear the "Steam4C2" Addon is outdated/not supported.

    Steam is able to download additional files when a certain DLC is purchased, so I could just add a text file with some content in it and then check inside of the game if that file with the content is in the folder. If so, then activate the DLC.

    That approach would be super unsafe and easily "hackable", so I would only take this as the last possible option. (I tried it and it works at least)

    Is there any safer way you can do it or should I just buy the "Steam4C2" addon?


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  • jobel

    With typos I was referring to the other comments above, but yeah I can see where enums might be useful.

    I do know what they are, but I think I never really used them actively myself.

    The more options there are, the more people can get comfortable with c2/c3. So it would be a nice addition, but they have probably so much to do already. I would also love a new version for the C2 steam greenlight plug-in.

  • Pras

    Those two explains it quite easily to understand:



    The construct 2 tutorial also shows you some helpful screenshots on how it works.

    Basically photon works mostly with the "raise event" function between both players (there is no host and no peer)


    - Player 1 Raise event (code: 1) with (data: "10"), target "others"

    ---> Event code is an identifier for each event, so that you can separate when you receive data from different events. You can use the numbers 1-200 and smth I think, but you don't need so many.

    "Data" is only optional, but it can be super helpful to reduce the amount of different event codes. I think all data is converted into string, but I am not sure. (so if you use a number variable, the receiver gets it as a string)

    "Target" are the people that receive the event. I am only using "others", since that will cause the least trouble in my opinion. If you set to "everyone", you will also receive your own event which you don't want in many cases.

    - Player 2 "On Event (Code=1)"

    Subtract (Photon.EventData) from health.

    (in this case 10, I am still not sure if you need to convert it to float/int first or not)

    What you did now, was sending the enemy the event number 1 (I would advice you to note your events somewhere on Google spreadsheets for example) which causes that the enemy looses health in this example.

    The event data was 10, so you told him to loose 10 health.

  • Pras

    Do you have any online game already? It's hard enough to get to 5 people playing, how are you expecting 100 concurrent players? (obviously only if you don't have a large community yet)

    The limit of 20 is for the free version, you can pay 100$ once to have a limit of 100 players. The tiers above that are on a monthly subscription model.

    The free version will TOTALLY do the job if you don't have a huge community yet, reaching over 100 will probably only serve if your game is seriously popular.

  • I would really advice you to use the photon plugin instead of the official one. It is so much easier to understand and to use.

    A big advantage of it is, that it is not peer to peer, and your projects can have up to 20 players at once without paying.

    You sync data between both players, which is much better to manage in my opinion, since you don't have to make up 2 separate versions for the host and the peer.

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Member since 13 Aug, 2016

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