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  • Are typos really that big of a problem? You'll mostly realize you have one the first time you press on preview.

    And do enumerations really have that much of an advantage for certain things? I would rather stay flexible and just use number variables.

    Booleans are the worst things to use imo, too. Why use a boolean instead of just using "0" and "1", which always allows you to add certain in-between steps as "2" etc.

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  • Hello!

    I am currently planning on releasing my game on Steam, but the greenworks plugin only accepts the NW.JS version 0.30.4.

    What exactly do I have to do? There is one folder ins "Construct2/exporters/html5" called "nwjs" and another one in "...html5/plugins" called "nodewebkit".

    When I install the NW.JS version, do I need to delete one of those folders first? I already tried that, but then Construct2 would always say that it is not installed, even after I installed the older version again.

    Another question: is there a way to download the Steam SDK version 1.42 somewhere? I am only able to download the newest version on the Steam partner site, or can I just use the current version for the greenworks plugin?


  • Hey!

    I want to release my game on Steam soon and though about how to check if the player bought a DLC.

    The DLC would be integrated in the base game and just activated after it is purchased. The official greenworks Add-On only provides access to the overlay and achievements, but not to DLCs.

    Thanks in advance


  • mathie

    There are some quite good youtube tutorials on how to to make splitscreen with paster.

    Here is a short version:

    1. Create 2 Paster objects with the size of 1/2 screen. Place one on the top side of the window and the other one below it.

    Example: Your screen has a 1200/600 pixel rate. Both Paster objects have a size of 1200/300 and their hotspot is in the middle. You now put the first one to position X 600 and Y 150. The 2nd Paster is on X 600 and Y 450.

    2. You'll need Families for this to work elegant. Create a Family where you put ALL objects you want to paste. If you have tiled backgrounds, you will need to paste them in seperately BEFORE the Family. Sprite fonts somehow are not supported by this add on, so you can't paste them.

    3. Create 2 players.

    4. Event Sheet:

    Every Tick:

    Paster clear to RGBA (0,0,0,0) //to clear the screen from the previous frame

    Paster set position to Player1.X, Player1.Y

    Paster paste Object "AllObjectsFamily" into canvas

    Paster set position to X 600, Y 150

    Repeat that with Paster2, just change Player1 to Player2 and the end position to the position of your 2nd paster (X 600, Y 450 in my example above)

  • Oh yes, true.

    Your current health is global and does not work separate for the enemies.

    It is one number in the whole game instead of one number per enemy.

  • Thank you, that explains a lot. I used numbers like 1001,1002 etc to have a bit more clarity... Well.

    I have some very strong sync issues late in the game (5 min+), and I think that's because of the enemies.

    My game is 1vs1 and both player get their own minion things every few seconds.

    Right now I am synchronizing them by storing E.g. P1 minions values all into one array and then sending it to p2 every tick, same for p2 minions.

    This way they can compare their ID with that from the array and set their position+health etc.

    Is there something more efficient? I just can't get the game to work 100% properly, it always starts bugging around sooner or later, even when reducing it to every 0.25 sec instead of every tick.

  • You should probably put "for each enemy" in there, so it checks for every enemy if the health is less or equal 0.

  • ThePhotons

    I fixed the issue with my game's browser version not working!

    The "protocol" was set to ws and not to wss... Just found out while browsing this forum. When should I use ws and when wss? Can I just let it at wss, or are there certain exports that are not compatible?

    Another small question:

    When I used high code numbers in the "raise event" like 2000+, the events would not be called at all. Is there a pattern, or should I use the lowest amount of numbers?

    Also, is it better to use many raise events for different things, or should I use only one or two raise events, that store most of the data in them?

  • Hey!

    I am currently working on an online Game and want the player to always have the newest version. I already added a version check via AJAX, so that the game compares the current game version with the content of a text file I uploaded. (which I just need to edit).

    The game also gives the player a direct link to my itch.io page to download the new version... but that's not the most elegant way of doing it.

    Do you know of any tool, that can patch a game? E.g. Steam and Play Store can do it, but I don't want to invest 100€ to Steam right now.

    What I could imagine: The player downloads the patcher program, which is directly combined with my game. The patcher is connected via GitHub and automatically updates the player's game data, without him needing to log in to anywhere.

  • ThePhotons

    Sadly there aren't any error. The game just does not connect to the server at all, neither on start of layout nor manually.

    I do use AJAX to reach a file via a weblink and that works fine, though. Going to make some testing the next days. Does the Java script minifier has anything to do with it? I didn't use it.

  • jobel

    Thank you!

    Right now I'm solely focused on improving and polishing the online mode, clearer UI elements and "code" minimizing.

    After that's all done, I will going to look at some variety in the map. 2 Lanes might feel a bit overwhelming, since you are only 1 person... I don't want to add additional players untill I really have a fluid player base.

    The biggest point on why the lane is so linear and the jungle isn't offering anything was: I added the online mode only last week and I didn't want to put more efford into the BOT AI logic. ^^

  • You are going to help way more people with English. Not everyone can learn Spanish (not enough time) ,while everyone should be able to speak English.

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Member since 13 Aug, 2016

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