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  • dop2000

    I try to have less than 10 global variables in my projects and leave them only for somem major stats. (Though I could definitely avoid that, too)

    Oh yeah, I didn't try to give my dictionary all the variables instead! I always used Objects, since I can just give all of them a different colored square, thus making it super easy to find them in the event sheet.

    I might try out your version, thank you!

  • Hello!

    So far I've been using multiple objects OUTSIDE the game screen with local variables to store my in-game values in. I found that way to be quite clear for me, even when exiting a project and coming back months later.

    So basically I do:

    Object "playerStats" contains things like: "health", "speed", "currentWeapon" etc.

    Object "weaponStats" contains things like: "name", "damage", "bulletSpeed", "range" etc.

    When the player picks a certain weapon with name x, the stats are set in that weaponStats object.

    Those objects obviously are in a layer (usually my HUD layer) that is gloal.

    I tried solving this via Arrays, but found it overly complicating to always look up which value is meant with a certain X and Y. Dictionaries are more clear on that side but they lack the dimensions that arrays have.

    An array could contain all weapons on the X position and their stats on Y. WIth dictionaries I would still need a global variable for example to solve this.

    What do you use to store your values? Is the method I use any good perfomance wise, or should I rather use something else?

  • Hey there,

    there is the option to export a single frame in a sprite, to save it on your computer.

    Since I do most of my animation frames directly in the C2 editor, is there a possibility to export them all at once? (since I want to use them in a different project)

    I know that all images are in the exported NWJS folder, but animations are all put into one sheet. I would like to have them all separate if that's possible (or if it is even necessary).

  • Ah yeah, they are just the directional buttons for move left/right ^^

    But I know, there is so much HUD going on, that it makes things too complicated. I might need to think about a way of reducing the HUD visual impacts, to make more room for the actual gameplay.

  • Thanks!

    Which end bits do you mean? Where are they/which color?

  • Hey there,

    Here is a game I am currently working on. It's basically what the title already states, you play a ninja and can create your own ninja weapon and ability deck to kill the enemy. It's either playable 2 player-on one devide or one player against the AI.

    A skillset is made out of 3 skills (currently 9 skills are available), each having a completely different behavior. (strong/slow/high cost, fast/spammable, stun, damage over time, delayed shot etc)

    Hitting a skill will charge your dodge bar, making you able to avoid hits when used correctly.

    The game is completely free and I am planning on adding a solo arcade mode soon.


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  • Thank you!

  • I would say:

    - 1 card object for all cards, with instance variables for all kind of things. (texts, costs, damage, type like spell or monster).

    - 1 array, where you store all the values for each card. E.g: Each X is assigned to one card. Y1 would be the name, Y2 the type, Y3 costs etc.

    When *card name* card is drawn, set type to Y2 array position at *card name*. Repeat copy that for all other Y values in the array to assign the instance variables.

    I don't know if that's any efficient, I am not a coder. But that's the first way I would think of. ^^

  • Hey there,

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    That's my latest project, called "Blackmarked Desert".

    You control a desert merchant, wandering around ancient cities of the African desert in the year 450.

    On his journey, the player discovers ruins and caves to collect all kind of items and treasures to sell.

    The player's main mechanics are his rope, that he can throw on objects to pass higher ground, his knife and stones to throw at enemies.

    What I've got already is the first tilemap (for earlier levels), the rope mechanic, minor combat (might add a bit more variation than knife + stone throw), 2 types of enemies (scorpions and sneaky cactus enemies), merchants with missions.

    The game is going to be completely non-text based (except for the item names when hovering over them). Quests are purely shown through pictures and I am planning to tell the story through the environment.

  • Hey,

    I had this problem a while ago and now especially frequently in my new project after getting my full C2 license.

    While autosaving, the Construct 2 sometimes suddenly moves to the autosave file instead of the actual project.

    This results in saves not being made in the project and prevents you from previewing /debugging your game.

    It's easily solved by

    ->save as new file

    ->either make new file or just replace your project file.

    I think it's in that one second after the autosave is done, when I clicked on something or when I pressed preview right in that moment. I am not sure though.


  • dop2000

    Yes,I encountered this bug a while ago already before starting my new project. It's getting quite a problem right now though, might need to overgo it somehow.

    I'll report it later today.

  • the Mnk

    I am not on my computer right now. Later when I am back, I'll upload it.

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Member since 13 Aug, 2016

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