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  • dop2000

    Yeah I meant that the tilemap has the "Jump-thru" behavior. I assigned "fall through" on the S key, but that's not the problem here.

    He doesn't just fall through it, he won't even enter it at all.

    The solid pyramid is on or in some cases also a bit inside the tilemap. When the player now walks from the tilemap to the pyramid, everything works. But when he transitions back from the pyramid to the tilemap, he ignores the tilemap.

  • So my problem is:

    I have a tilemap with the "platform" behavior.

    When the player walks on only that tilemap, everything works just fine. Though, when I put a solid pyramid shaped object for example somewhere on his way, he will not move on the platform after exiting the object, but simply bugs through the platform and fall through it. The hitboxes of the solid pyramid and the platform overlap each other and the player will always follow the surface of the pyramid instead of continue walking on the platform on the overlap-point.

    The hitbox of the player is already a bit rounded on the bottom.

    Does anyone have a solution for this?

  • Okay,thanks for the explanation!

    Need to take care of always adding "for each" then.

  • Yes exactly, I used "compare two values".

    Already thought it may be because of that. How is the value then compared if I don't add "for each family" ? Only for the first instance?

  • I am always using lerp for that purpose.

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  • Hey,

    I encountered a problem yesterday regarding families.

    So basically I got an "enemy" family where I put all different types of enemy sprites. (they all get assigned a new ID on spawn and also a hitbox with the same ID)

    I compared the distance between my player and the family "enemy" to make the enemy do something when you come close. At first it didn't work, before I finally added "for each enemy" to it.

    In all other cases, where I do not use distance/position, the code works just fine with the family.

    So why exactly does this happen, or how do families work in this case?

    Are there any other cases where I should concern adding "for each"?

  • I know, these are not directly for a game, more like concepts or cover arts from characters.

    Ingame they would be wayyy less detailed, I know ^^

  • Hello!

    I started to play around a bit with my graphic tablet and made some concepts for game-characters.

    Don't expect much, though, wince Krita and the tablet is quite new to me ^^

    First one is a shaman-like character with a soul orb/soul lantern.

    2nd one is just a random mage... I don't even know why but I just needed something to improve with. (not finished yet)

    I think I'll change the mask, since it kinda looks like a Naruto rip off...

  • Nice characters!

    Yes, that's why I asked for a program which is NOT for pixel art, maybe my answer was not clear enough in the beginning ^^

    I actually got quite into Krita already and think I will stick with it.

    With "vector" look I only meant something NOT pixel-looking, so more or less smooth looking.


    https://i.imgur.com/X6u3K1y.png (not finished)

    I made 2 concepts for characters in Krita, 1 is still in work though. If I keep improving, I might start with game assets maybe soon <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • OrionUK

    Hm, but it seems like all of these are more or less for pixel-art games.

    What I want to achieve is some sort of vector art look. (e.g. Awesomenauts http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam ... 1498860621)

    I tried Inkscape but it feels a bit too complicated, especially for drawing.

    With Gimp I am already quite familiar, but I guess it is also better for pixel-stuff?

  • OrionUK

    I already have Spriter installed, but I was searching for a software to DRAW the sprites on, not to animate them. I guess I'll try it in Kirta then, or is there a Sprite-editor in "Spriter"?

  • Hello!

    Until now, I only made my games out of pixelated sprites. For this, I directly used the editor in Construct 2.

    But finally want to try a game with a different art style (Some sort of Vector style or in the direction of "Cup Head").

    I tried Krita but don't feel very comfortable using it for Game Art. Are are good alternatives you know?

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Member since 13 Aug, 2016

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