lokesen, first of all I have to say congrats on an amazing game. I still find it funny that there are so many people quick to talk negative about a game when they have nothing to show that is anywhere near as good. Don't let the steam greenlight comments get you down. You are doing great.
Have you tried any of the mobile exporters to see how it plays on mobile divices? I haven't read the last two pages of this thread as readin on my phone is hard, especially when on the train.
On a side note I played the game on IE9 and everything worked flawlessly on my PC.
Thank you very much.
Yes I have tried the mobile exporters, but it is a mess. The game is just too demanding atm. I am waiting on the technology to catch on and then make a mobile port.
I am also hoping for a Ouya version, the game would be perfect with the Ouya console :)