Elliott's Recent Forum Activity

  • You can adjust the hue of a sprite via webGL shaders

  • Couldn't you parse the global variables you wanted to keep into local variables and then restore them from that after your reset action?

    Regardless, I would also like to see this feature, I've never tried what I suggested above and often have to manually state each global variable, just save to one or two that would be reset via reset all.

  • This is very similar to a thread you actually made yourself:

  • Okay, doing this from memory so it won't be perfect, and I'm pretty sure I'm adding an extra step, but try this:

    Create a global variable called jumpTouch.

    When you touch your jump button, run your actions as normal, with the additional action at the top set jumpTouch to TouchID.

    Add an "on nth touch end" event, use the jumpTouch variable as your TouchID; then run your falling events.

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  • That should be fine.

    A good piece of knowledge is that any touch sensitive objects (like ad banners) are far more likely to be touched accidentally if your game has the player reach over them, on the flipside, anything that you want the player to notice is best placed in a location that isn't obscured by the players hand.

    Personally I place ads at the top of the screen.

  • On any touch end && is Touching Object?


    Alternatively an On any touch end sub-event within your jumping event should work.

  • If the Spriter interface acted as a bolt-on instead of a plugin I would probably die of happiness; but yes, C3 needs at least a tweening/object animation feature, as it's missing from vanilla C2.

  • Others ideas for Santa Ashley :

    Priority -1 : (more critical than 0 )

    30 FPS MODE (or the ability to fix the framerate/frameskip) :

    The last time this was tried the engine effectively collapsed on itself, C2 is fantastic, but the more I read about other users experiences (my work is on mobile, where FPS isn't a massive deal) "50+ FPS or go home" seems really apparent.

    Just throwing my 2 cents in, looked at Stencyl after reading about Haxe, they've got a great UI where things like sprite windows are displayed as tabs - I'd actually quite like that for C3. If only to get rid of having to resize and drag around the frame window/image canvas because they stack on top each other...

    In regards to C3, I welcome it, though the inevitable 6 month drought makes me sad. In an ideal world C2 would have modurality so the community could "take over" C2 development as Ashley worked on C3, but as modularity itself would require an architecture change it's logical that this will be a feature that will fall into C3s USPs.

    Which'll be great, because it has a real shot of turning what could be a slow start (as any new version of software would have) into a community supported one.

  • What's up gang, I'm currently analysing the game Daddy Long Legs, and I'm wondering if anyone could suss out how the mechanics work?

    Here's a video:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    I often try and reverse engineer games, but in this case I'm not even sure what's going on, even after playing it!

  • Set the bullet behaviour to bounce off solids?

    In the end you're going to want to look into path-finding, but zombies aren't exactly the smartest of creatures..

  • Happy New Year Constructors!

  • IIRC the touch event ignores the z-order and just triggers everything with collisions - if you place an invisible sprite under your ad it may trigger, though I've never tested it, and your ad will likely cause the game to swap out anyway.