cool! Its fun to zoom around
QuaziGNRLnose, thanks.
That "set resolution" sure is great for performance tweaking on mobile. Especially since most are now running at a rediculous 2560x1440 resolution and their GPU's are often fill-rate limited.
Useful simulation indeed. Wish I was in your class
Progressing with the mobile version, the framerate is rather decent on 2560x1440 resolution devices (35 to 45fps) and exceptionally great on native 1920x1080 devices (above 40fps). It's not ready yet, just finished a swipeable custom list box for the country selection and now have to improve on UI visibility with Desktop versus Mobile modes. Shooting to put it on Google Play in a few days, maybe. Still finding out stuff that may have to get cut, such as back ray-casting to make walls transparent when camera is behind it -- uses much CPU and material/model transparency doesn't quite work on mobile.
The amusing discovery here is that, I thought the geometry would slow down everything, but nope. Even with just the ground floor and nothing else, it was the same FPS. Now adding back the extra collision meshes for the stairs