fuego96 I'm trying the laser starts from the camera to infinite and get moved and rotate with the camera pos, and rotation, to get a real aim, but i can't get it, can you?
matriax Aiming and firing a short laser pulse toward the box and having both the box and laser disappear works fine. The only thing missing is the "Look At" (mesh) action that "NewCamera" or "Camera" objects don't seem to have (but regular Mesh objects seem to have)
So, at the moment, you'll have to formulate your own trig functions to point the camera toward the Box OR parent (I'm not sure if you can parent a mesh to the NewCamera) a dummy box (with visibility 0) that is sitting at the exact XYZ position as the NewCamera (and use its "Look At" action) OR pose the following question to X3M:
X3M the Mesh object has the Babylon Matrix's "Look At" (mesh) action. Would it be possible to add it to Camera or NewCamera (for the aforementioned purpose)?
EDIT: Sorry, what was i thinking? It's the Laser that needs to point to the Box, not the camera. So, just position the Laser to NewCamera's XYZ position, then user the action Laser --> Look At (Box.MeshX, Y and Z) to point the NewCamera to the Box. Firing it toward that angular trajectory is another matter.