fuego96 great demo! Used some 3D editor? In that case what you use?
Well, Seems i get something, is a "dirty trick" but works XD.
No Mesh Array, No loopindex expresions, No duplicate events or other stuff.
With a single event working on a family you can add whatever mesh object to set an action without worry about nothing more. (This trick only works with NewMesh objects created in C2 layout)
Here the video: http://sendvid.com/fogkh5nx
The unique thing still i can't get is avoid the mesh naming in the properties. Still i have to put Coin1, Coin2,etc....
X3M Is possible that Babylon3D on runtime automatically fill the Mesh name in the render? Something like:
(Or whatever that gives an unique name for that mesh)
So with that totally C2 workflow, you duplicate objects in the C2 layout without worry about mesh naming and apply actions to different objects in a single clean event.