...It's simple, you create an animation range (ex: "Walk" from 0 to 20) And then you play it using Begin animation range...
So, am i right in adding the Skeleton behavior to the Scene object?
It doesn't seem right to add it to Mesh objects (the browser gives a "could not find the skeleton property of null" sort of error).
As with your explanation, the "Create animation range" bit was easy to figure out, but I get:
I am also not confident if my babylon data is sane. Would you mind taking a look?
Basically, the file does have a "skeletons" property which is an array of objects. Each object does indeed have bones and each bone has 30 frames (so, range from 0 to 30). And at the end of the "skeletons" property, there is a "ranges" property (defined in Blender) named "MoveForward".
So I also assumed that the "Create animation range" can also refer to "MoveForward" that was defined in Blender. Is that right?
Btw, worm.babylon look like this.
If that's the babylon file is sane and my process was right, then perhaps I just need an updated version of B3D