Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

From the Asset Store
Template for a basketball game with a 3D aspect (illusion of 3D)
  • Powered by Q3D. For those of you who like racing and drifting -- indoors.

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/racing-ga ... acer-18933

    Score the best time for you and country.

    Forgive the inadequacies or lack of polish, had to make sacrifices <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

  • Powered by Q3D. For those of you who like racing and drifting -- indoors.

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/racing-ga ... acer-18933

    Score the best time for you and country.

    Forgive the inadequacies or lack of polish, had to make sacrifices <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

    Woohoo! Nice job!

    It crashed when I tried to load it on my iPad, but I'm looking forward to trying it on a real computer.

  • Woohoo! Nice job!

    It crashed when I tried to load it on my iPad, but I'm looking forward to trying it on a real computer.


  • fuego96, this is great!

    I'm looking forward to the mobile version.

  • fuego96, this is great!

    I'm looking forward to the mobile version.

    Hmm... maybe. Will have to redo a WebGL version of the listbox, which, is currently HTML/CSS controlled. Interesting to do nevertheless. Will try.

  • Here's my Q3D project from last week. It is part of my ongoing attempts to make a better simulator for my high school's robotics competition -- think "BattleBots", held in a high school with slightly smaller robots and $2000 budgets. Students were having trouble figuring out how to drive, so I designed this simulator to work with game controllers.

    It supports 3 control schemes:

    1. "tank" controls - left stick controls the left wheel / right stick controls the right wheel

    2. "2-stick" controls - left stick forward/backward, right stick left/right

    3. "single stick" controls - same as "2-stick", but with forward/backward/left/right all on the left stick


    If you have 2 controllers, give it a try and let me know how it works!

  • fuego

    cool! Its fun to zoom around


    I like it! I did a lot of highschool robotics and had to be driver a lot, so I think its a great idea to make a little "training room"

  • Wonderful well done

  • fuego

    cool! Its fun to zoom around

    QuaziGNRLnose, thanks.

    That "set resolution" sure is great for performance tweaking on mobile. Especially since most are now running at a rediculous 2560x1440 resolution and their GPU's are often fill-rate limited.


    Useful simulation indeed. Wish I was in your class

    Progressing with the mobile version, the framerate is rather decent on 2560x1440 resolution devices (35 to 45fps) and exceptionally great on native 1920x1080 devices (above 40fps). It's not ready yet, just finished a swipeable custom list box for the country selection and now have to improve on UI visibility with Desktop versus Mobile modes. Shooting to put it on Google Play in a few days, maybe. Still finding out stuff that may have to get cut, such as back ray-casting to make walls transparent when camera is behind it -- uses much CPU and material/model transparency doesn't quite work on mobile.

    The amusing discovery here is that, I thought the geometry would slow down everything, but nope. Even with just the ground floor and nothing else, it was the same FPS. Now adding back the extra collision meshes for the stairs

  • fuego96,

    Well done! Its good for poeple to see that you can get great performance out of 3D WebGL. Now if we could only convince people that a 3D viewport is worth it! 😊

  • fuego96,

    Well done! Its good for poeple to see that you can get great performance out of 3D WebGL. Now if we could only convince people that a 3D viewport is worth it! ??

    Thx again. You know, we'd be better off using an external editor that already has these things. Then make an exporter for C2+Q3D (or C3+Q3D if ever ported). It can even be a Blender plugin.

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  • fuego96

    How did you design and place objects for the track? Was there a lot of trial and error?

  • Does anyone still have the Examples? The links from the main post appear to be broken.

  • I do, but maybe can update the links?

  • fuego96

    How did you design and place objects for the track?


    For models and textures, Blender3D.

    For the colliders...

    I made a (crude) keyboard-based collider-box creation, positioning/rotation tool that sent the object creation data to a server (see pic below). The server spitted out a json at the end of the editing session which I could then load in C2 to "replay" the same creation commands during game initialization.

    Was there a lot of trial and error?

    Sure, of course. But the only real trial and error was that rotation bug mentioned a couple of pages ago. The rest was trivial (to me anyway).

    EDIT: Here's a rather large pic as you can't see the green text if resized. Right-click and view image in a new browser tab.

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