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  • Have you in mind something like this? dl.dropbox.com/u/5214903/GM/Shooting%20turrent.zip

    Or maybe this could also help to get an idea


  • I can't remember exactly how it works in Sonic, but one way to get a character to have a sliding animation is to check like this:

    Right Arrow is down

    Player.Platform.VectorX < 0

    >> Set animation to Slide

    Left Arrow is down

    Player.Platform.VectorX > 0

    >> Set animation to Slide

    If you want it to be more specific, such as only sliding while turning at VERY high speeds, simply modify the 0 in both of those checks to whatever you want it to be. Just remember that when you're heading left, VectorX is negative.

    Thankyou for the tip!

    The movement looks much better now the way i wanted :D

  • Yup!

    Good example, I use it to apply in a game based on the space.

    I just add some Sine who changes according to the speed.

    The next time I'll add that when you release a key when you are in high speed that the animation of the character goes trough "walk" for more fluidity.


    How about giving it rotation instead seting the angle and play a bit with combining sine movement with global?


  • Miu3

    If you unzip the .capx, you'll notice that the filename you gave it is corrupt, i.e. you typed a semi-colon instead of the letter 'l', like so:

    "p;atform mess"

    Maybe that is what caused it to bomb?

    I doupt that, i didnt close my original work when i saved the single file and reopened it.

    The file i continued working on has also "p;atform mess" and works perfectly fine

  • I believe this is the same problem i got


    I dont really want to lead to ways as i dont quite remember how it happened to me, but i remember i was simply working on project file, i first add all sprites,then events with actions,then while writing notes i also rename the sprites. After that all i saved the project as single file. By reopening it i got familiar error message but i didnt try to rectreate it to comfirm that these steps cause is.

    With those hours i spend, i try to get the game work, not find out how the errors sudenly show up, sorry ^^;

  • This is an example i made of a player changing animation, depending on its speed.

    It was suposed to be sonic like runner but i cant seem to get the player slide by holding oposite dirrection when in high speed.

    Anyway,heres a first try of managing the characters speed with animation speed state.

    Sudgestions and examples with other ideas for this topic are welcome!

    Example contains:

    -Basic description in eventsheet

    -Managing players speed with global variables

    -Changing animation, depending on the players speed (stand,walk,runn,break)

    File: dl.dropbox.com/u/5214903/GM/Runner%20Speed%20up1.zip

  • when you send a project, send it as a single file it's easier :D

    I would, but I have the experience of getting constantly errors when I try to reopen the single file, so I rather save as project and put in zip folder to avoid risc of loosing hours of work.

  • This idea was bugging me for quite some while until this day, right away i woke up and fought with this challenge for hours and im telling you, the Pin behavour is the best for moust solution i came up with so thankyouuuu for the Pin behavior!

    Anyway, here is an example of a platformer character who can shoot a hook and get pulled by it to reach any high places.

    Sudgestions and examples with other ideas for this topic are welcome!

    Example contains:

    -Basic description in eventsheet

    -Shooting a hook and lasso that imitates attaching the hook with players hand by using the mouse button

    -Basic platform movement

    -Player getting pulled to the hook when the hook hits the ceiling

    -Player performs jump when releasing the hook

    File: dl.dropbox.com/u/5214903/GM/TheHookShot.zip

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  • This one is still a baby example compared to the horor my mind works on D8

    Like many keep asking, I also wanna know how to do 3D like game but eather theres no ansver or the example is too advanced to understand...

    So here i came up with some basic movement that could be already good for games like scott pilgrim or castle crushers type.

    Sudgestions and examples with other ideas for this topic are welcome!

    Example contains:

    -Basic description in eventsheet

    -Combination of Platform behavior and 8dirrection behavior

    -Fake Z axis jumps with global variable

    File: dl.dropbox.com/u/5214903/GM/FakeIsometric.zip

    Note: use Z to jump

  • Exactly what I want ^^


    Where the magic happen? ^^

    You didn't setup the speeds to 0, so, where is the magic to stop the player when he touch the wall? O.O

    Pin the player in another sprite, and the another sprite without any behavior, will stick the player with the sprite?

    Sorry i did not put any description on this one ^^;

    Basicaly,the "grab" sprite has no setings,no speed nor gravity.

    Its just positioned where the player is forever and ever.

    And the rule of the "Pin" behavour seems to be that if you are pined, you have to follow no mater what.

    In other words, you are correct lol

  • If you want your player to stay still on the wall, maybe this could be an option


  • I still got no real proper smooth pulling to snaping location but i though this could be also a nice example, inspired by an example for construct classic


    Note: no description made for this one....yet

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Member since 12 Apr, 2011

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