I was trying to make him slip the wall, and this was done, good or not, in one legit way, hehe
Anyway, it's not polished as instead. Take a look:
So, what's the problem? I'm trying to stuck the character right after he touch the wall, and to make it I set all his "plataform" variables, such max speed, etc, to 0 and the deceleration to 10000. To release the pose, I changed it back to the original values and jumped.
So, as you saw in the sample, it's not working as desired =
He keep moving for some microseconds after touching the wall. And when he release his pose, is like a shot, he jump far and faster than the necessary.
Today I'll work on it to try make it flawless and make a smooth movement.
But if you know a simple way to make it, please, share =P