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  • Ashley Yeah it is kind of ugly. There ARE people who'd rather have all that warping than letterboxing get the most out of their TV or whatever. I thought it'd be really easy to implement but if not then disregard. shinkan I'll take a look!

    On a slightly different note...what about custom letterboxing? Like a 9-patch to fill in the gaps instead. La-Mulana does this and it looks pretty good. Some games, like Odallus, even turn the letterboxing into the HUD for a "fake" 16:9 ratio. Kind of interesting. Maybe for C3? It can probably be done ourselves in C2 but that'd kinda screw up the viewport and conditions like "is on screen".

  • I would think The Next Penelope is FAR more intensive than Ghost Song and I haven't seen many people complaining about performance on that..

    (sorry for double post. forums are screwed right now)

  • Er..C2 would have no problem doing something like Ghost Song. Ghost Song keeps each room in a separate layout so there aren't very many objects at any given time. There are no physics. He doesn't use tiles because terrain 'stamps' are more versatile and the better option for this type of game.

    As for all the particle effects and such, Stencyl has "simple actors" for graphics and fx that have practically no overheard whatsoever. C2 might benefit from something similar, but I'm not sure a bunch of single-frame sprites will be that bad either.

  • Can we please have the option to stretch the game window without letterboxing nor showing more or less of the layout? Just a plain old screen-fit stretch. For people who'd rather not have letterboxing and don't mind the pixels stretching a bit. "Scale Outer" is very close already, but shows more of the layout.

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  • aliweka Have you checked out the Q3D plugin set? Paired with C3's EDK they might have 3D functionality covered entirely.

  • I think Steam is mostly to blame for allowing this garbage on their market. They have no quality control of their own, and the community is doing an awful job at it. Didn't Gabe say greenlight was an awful idea and they planned to replace it?

  • bclikesyou Kind of. There are 2 main background images with 'cutouts' for animated sprite objects. We thought about doing animated tiles but they vary too much and would have just complicated things. We're also using palette shifting on some backgrounds/tilesets like the original Megaman games did.

  • Might want to share your phone model / OS and .capx. If those check out then uh...welcome to HTML5 mobile gaming...

  • It's at the top-right of your inbox/user control panel (Friends & Foes).

  • Oy. HTML5/Browsers never fail to disappoint.

    Dalal hope you get this working. good luck!

  • I strongly prefer the left one but without the pink outline. Has a sort of fire emblem style to it. Could use more vivid colors and greater contrast too...looks a bit pale.

  • This has been requested at least a dozen times. Unless you code your own platform behavior with events, which from what I've seen is not entirely possible given your options, you can't do this in C2.

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