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  • Ashley recently said it's still a very long way off. Also there's A LOT of competition right now so it wouldn't be wise to reveal too much about it so early in development.

  • I think DK more or less uses "path tracing" for this - constantly writing player coordinates and such into an array and setting the cpu player to them with a delay.

    Kinda like this

  • "My project can end up going down the tubes."

    Always keep backups. C2 gives you more than enough options.

    Besides, you can always roll back to earlier versions by modifying the build version in the .caproj.

  • I don't think layers affect anything; it's what you put in them. No it's not a bug; the bottom-most layer has transparency disabled by default.

  • Y'know everyone's rambling about native exporters but do they have any idea what they're asking?

    A native Windows export would be great, sure, but it's 2015, man. You think that's going to cut it? Hell no.

    There's Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, PS4, PS Vita, XBone, WiiU, 3DS, and Browsers... And those are just the big platforms of today. What's going to be out there 5 years from now? Many of these platforms might even be obsolete by the time Scirra finished making exporters for them!

    Better yet, take a look at Unity's native exporters


    Most game engines couldn't compete with that if they wanted! Scirra included. So they stick with HTML5...and you can't say C2 isn't the best HTML5 game engine out there.

  • Looking at the guy's name (OverratedProgrammer) and his channel (absolutely nothing) I'd say it was just a joke... If not, well, you know how some people complain about EDM not being "real music" because they don't use "real instruments"? Same thing here. To them, you're not writing the game from scratch in raw C++ or what have you, so you are an inferior poser wannabe making fake games. You'll find that with just about anything.

  • Oh god I'm having flashbacks already. All I can say is do not use Ashley's method in the first link. I worked on a game for ~7 months using that and it was such a pain. It's been years but off the top of my head your viewport and parallaxing is completely warped, HUD's / Pause menu objects have to be created and placed entirely with code (and might still shake when scrolling regardless of event order), everything moves on sub-pixels, performance takes a hit, and so on.

    I don't think proper fullscreen was ever figured out in CC. Makes me wonder how Konjak handled it in The Iconoclasts.

    ""I know there aren't many CC users in the wild (the result of some negative marketing? )""

    No because it's a busted, buggy, antiquated and inferior product XD;

  • It's pretty simple. Make a good game. People talk about good games. All the marketing and promotion in the world is useless otherwise. Sorry to be so blunt, but flappy bird / space invaders clones with public assets and a game where you tap squares aren't the most appealing. There's an ocean of amazing work out there and it's gonna take more than that to get noticed.

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  • But how can that be true with what I mentioned above? My experience says this:

    -Placing an instance in the top-most layout makes it the default instance at any time.

    -The first instance in any layout (if there is NOT one in the top-most layout) is the default.

    -The first instance in any layout (if the one in the top-most layout has been deleted) becomes the default.

    There's nothing random about that...

    It appears the best way to ensure default instances is not only to create an "Object Bank" layout which all objects should be created in but to also place that layout at the very top.

    All in all it's, again, a bit of a mess. It should work something like this:

    Create an object anywhere

    Set its properties

    Select "Make Default Instance" (if not first in project)

    Delete the instance so it's stored in the object bar and not wasting space in a messy "Object Bank" layout reminiscent of the days of MMF2.

    Or just, y'know, a full blown pre-fab system like Unity's..but that's been discussed before.

  • Where can I find the manual entry on default instances? Is there even one? By default instance I mean the one that future instances inherit their properties from when drag 'n dropping from the object bar or creating via an event.

    I thought the first instance created in the whole project became the default instance. I've been using C2 for years under this assumption with no problems...but I recently discovered (by what I thought was a bug) that the default instance is actually the one in the top-most layout...unless there isn't one in the top-most layout...In which case I was right.

    On the contrary, the default instance for tilemaps seems to change to the latest one. For example, if I create a tilemap object in one layout and leave it blank, then place an instance in another layout and put some tiles on it, the next instance I create has those same tiles on it and I have to erase them every time. It should not have any tiles on it, like the first instance I created.

    I'm not sure if these are bugs or by design but it's a bit of a mess and I want to know exactly how C2 expects us to manage them. If anything we need the ability to set the default instance on our own, but Ashley said in a similar thread that isn't happening until C3, if ever.

  • Update #3

    -Graphical improvements


    -Destructibles & particle FX

    -Item collect sequence / message box

    -Item persistence

  • Update #2

    -Game Save Platforms & Save Data (player health, collected items, minimap progress, current room, etc.)

    -Dummy enemies and player/weapon interaction

    -Metroid-style health & energy tank system

    -New bullets & FX

    -New tileset

    -Fade in/out transition

    -Placeholder title screen

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