Tokinsom's Recent Forum Activity

  • ErekT It's funny considering all the crazy effects and such with the audio plugin. But looping music properly? Oh hell no.

  • I've asked this numerous times over the years and nothing anyone suggested worked perfectly. We need a way to loop back to a certain point in a music track containing both the intro and body.

  • Uhhh you could play a C2 game on your wall I guess. Without 3D I don't see any other options.

  • Working on a potential wall-tracing ability. You shoot one energy ball horizontally. When it hits a solid it splits in two and traces the walls. When it hits an enemy it splits in two that travel downwards diagonally and eventually trace the walls. They also pass through enemies. Might be a tad overpowered right now lol. This also shows Chemmeleons which work in groups to warp around and shoot at you.

  • Tsunami's stage continues to take shape. Also finished a new ability, Prismatic Pavise. It's a very large shield that absorbs projectiles. When you let go of [shoot] Copy drops it and it floats in the air, eventually exploding horizontally and dealing back the damage it absorbed. It also pierces enemy shields. Really had to lower the framerate for this one but you get the idea!

  • My player has 9 weapons and each one has its own energy which is stored in an array. There are pickups to restore energy. If the currently selected weapon is full, but others are low, I want to distribute the restored energy to them evenly.

    My idea was to loop through the energy array as many times as the energy refill. If an energy is lower than max, 1 is added to it and 1 is added to a local var counter. If that counter is equal to the energy refill, the loop is stopped. This way, if there's only 1 weapon with low energy, then it'll get 1 energy with each loop until it's over. If multiple weapons are low on energy, they'll each get 1 until the refill amount is met, at which point the loop is stopped.

    I dunno if it's my code or the method as a whole but it doesn't quite work - too much energy is being restored. Any other ideas or examples floating around?

  • Pretty sure you have to develop with multiplayer in mind from the very beginning. I've seen some games that had multiplayer added later, but they weren't in C2 and probably required an insane amount of refactoring.

  • TiAm I got it working on a horizontal strip of rotated tiles...once In my game with 8x8 tiles it would pick them up but the zone and tiles were all wrong. I really hope it's not too difficult to fix, else Ashley might can the whole feature D: Frankly, the best feature C2 has gotten in months in my opinion lol.

  • Angvik was the first desktop-only C2 game on steam, I believe. That was over 2 years ago. So yes.

  • Problem Description

    Shift + RightClick + Dragging to "pickup" multiple tiles with different angles/states rarely works and often crashes C2.

    Attach a Capx ... p_bug.capx

    Description of Capx

    Has a few tile groups with rotation, mirroring, and flipping for you to test on.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Shift + RightClick + Drag over a group of tiles in the layout

    Observed Result

    The highlighted tiles are rarely picked up properly, if at all. This will inevitably crash C2 over time (usually 5 or so attempts).

    Expected Result

    Highlighted tiles and their proper states should be picked up.

    Affected Browsers

    C2 Editor

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1

    Construct 2 Version ID


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  • Playing around the test room with some new enemies and mechanics for Tsunami's stage. Here we have "drifters" - they zig-zag upwards and launch themselves down when reaching the surface of the water. They're pretty dangerous in groups but can be carefully maneuvered through if you don't feel like fighting them. No match for the Penta Pearl ability, though...which you actually won't have in this stage lol.

  • Last I heard WiiU doesn't support WebGL so, like, 99% of C2 games are out of the question. Paired with the NDA I don't think C2/WiiU is really much of a thing.

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