Edit: You can now download the improved 0.4 version: URL=http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1328856/TUNNEL.zip" rel="nofollow]It's here. Enjoy!
Hi all.
One problem I find myself facing on regular bases is aiming too high, wanting too much and then never finishing anything. So a plan was drafted to make something so simple, so plain it couldn't possibly fail...
And the right opportunity came in the face of some texture setting R&D. Thus, without further ado, but with a huge "Thank you" to R0J0hound for texture setter plugin and also thanks to Yann for some creative input I present to you the first iteration of TUNNEL.
I tried to give it have most things that a game should have - a title screen, a game over screen, some small amount (64 pixels actually) of gameplay in-between (with rising difficulty!). Even some music sure to annoy some of you. There may be more to do, like sounds effects and maybe more gameplay - that's all up to you and your feedback.
Title screen:
<img src="http://images.devs-on.net/Image/r3xJbVd0gpO7LQp-TUNNELDX9runtime.png" border="0">
dual action:
<img src="http://images.devs-on.net/Image/JfqLW3s3QknHqIv-TUNNELDX9runtime.png" border="0">
You'll see this a lot, especially if you try to take screenshots:
<img src="http://images.devs-on.net/Image/auRkjDdAuSWXlFe-TUNNELDX9runtime.png" border="0">
And here's the thing itself. Enjoy!